What I want

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*Ethan's pov*

It's been 2 days since I seen Kelly! I've been trying to track her down but it's like she just disappeared. And so did Aden. I swear to the moon goddess if this has something to do with him he's a goner.

I know she's not dead because I can still feel her. And I know she's not hurt because I haven't felt any physical pain.

I let Damon take care of training for the past few days because I know he'll train them hard and I trust him. I can't do anything until Kelly is right here beside me.

I decided to take a run. I would let my wolf out but he hasn't been talking to me lately.
It's been 20min since I first started my run. I seen something in a bush so I decided to take a look.

It was Kelly's Luna neckless. This was the neckless tha every Luna has worn for the past hundreds of years. I know she wouldn't have just left this. It was really important to her.

I looked around a little more and found a clump of fur stuck to a tree. It was brown so I knew it wasn't Kelly's and I also smelt a faint scent of rogue on it.

Then I realized. The rogues who are apart of the organization must have taken her. But why? From what I know they are aiming to kill her not hold her hostage. Both images make me want to kill. But I need to figure all of this out.

|I just got finish talking with Kelly's wolf| my wolf finally decided to speak with me.

|How I haven't been able to reach her|

|The mate bond between us wolves will always be stronger than the mate bond between the human part. That's how I contacted her|

|figured. What happened? How are they? Is she hurt? Did Aden hurt her?| I basically bombarded him with questions.

|Actually it's the other way around. Rogues were sent to take Kelly but Kelly put Aden in his worst nightmare and is now torturing answers out of the man who caused all of this.| my wolf had a smirk on his face and so did I.

I knew she could handle herself but I just need to be with her. It's only been two days and I already feel like I'm going crazy.

|ask her wolf where she is. I need to know.|

I make my way back to the pack house and wait for a response.

|She says she's in a big black building. Apparently it's in plain sight about 5 hours away from here on a big hill.|

Hiding in plain sight I see.

It's the next day and I decided that I would take Damon and my beta. I've actually got closer with Damon over these past few days he's been keeping me sane and handling training.  0

We've made it to what I assume to be the building. It was guarded by 6 rogues. Me, Damon, and Jayden would be able to take them with no problem but we have no idea what's inside.

We stop the car a little far from the building and step out. We made our way over and noticed that the rogues already picked up our scents. They must be higher ranked rogues.

We lunged out of our hiding spots and attacked. I aimed for two of the rogues. They ran towards me and I slid and scratched there ribs. Just like in practice. I got up and dodged the punch one of the rogues was sending my way. They were fast but not fast enough. I cut his throat with one of my daggers. The other rogue tried to jump on me from behind but I ducked and slashed his stomach. He didn't get back up after that.

I looked over to see that Damon and Jayden handled their rogues to.

We quietly walk in the building and I can smell Kelly's scent everywhere.

Our heads snaps when we heard a scream. It wasn't a girl so I knew it wasn't Kelly. We follow the scream and at the end of it stood Kelly in demon form and a man. At the end of the hall Aden was still stuck in his nightmare and his face covered with tears.

I run over to Kelly and pull her into the tightest hug. She calmed down at my touch. I always loved that about her. No matter what situation where in I always have an effect on her.

"Aden!" She had tears in her eyes and her voice was croaky.

"You do not understand how much I've missed you."
I said in the same croaky voice.

"I found him. He's the one who ruined my family." She was pointing at the man in the cell.

I was angry. I wanted to kill him. now. He was the one to cause my girl all this pain for all those years. I was about to go to him but Kelly stopped me. I just stared at her in disbelief and confusion.

"I want my dad to handle him. I got my fair share of torture out of him. I realized that my dad never got to grieve my mom and brother and that's why he took all his anger out on me. I don't forgive him yet but I think this is a step farther."

I nod my head understanding everything.

We chained him in silver and started taking him out of the building.

When we were putting him and Aden in the car he sent what looked like to be a signal. Soon after tons of rogues was fleeing from the building heading west. They were going back to the pack.

I shoved him in the car and got in the front with Ariel. I sent a mind link to the warriors about the threat coming.
By the time we got there everyone was at war.

I rushed to get the bastard that ruined my mates who life ,I found out name is Joe, in one of the cells. I threw him in and went back to fight.

*Joe's pov*
No no no no no! They have the demons, the angels, and the vampires on there side! Why did I not see this coming? How did I not know she was hybrid? And same with her mate?! I should have known! I should have known! This isn't going out how I planned!

I'm hyperventilating. I need to get out of here.
The rogues no
It's no use! I'm chained to silver and these bars won't budge. I knew I have been weakened over the past few years but not this much! I used to be the top wolf! Now look at me. I should be out there fighting with my rogues not stuck in a dirty cell!

*Kelly's pov*
I look around to see that my warriors are fighting just like we taught them. I couldn't help but smile. After a few weeks of being here some of the warriors apologized for treating me the way they did and how they were being pressured by the alpha to do so. They were fighting off the rogues with no problem. The rogues were talented but they were nothing compared to my group.
The war ended after 4 hours of fighting. We only had 3 deaths but the rogues had over 60. I was exhausted but I knew what I had to do.

Me and Ethan headed down to the cells to grab joe.

"I see you've come back for me. What a pleasant surprise." Joe said with a smirk on his face.

"Do you really want to do this?" Joe said with a pleading look on his face.

"Do I want to do this? My dad needs this" I said with no emotion.

I wanted to smack him right then and there but I knew what he had coming for him when I bring him to dad.

Sorry this book is all over the place and I know there is spelling errors. I'm new to right ing couldn't seem to put my thoughts together but I hope the book isn't as bad as I thought.

Anywayssssss on to the next chapter.

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