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"for real, haechan hyung? You really will treat us tonight?" chenle asked in disbelief, glancing at the drink and the elder

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"for real, haechan hyung? You really will treat us tonight?" chenle asked in disbelief, glancing at the drink and the elder.

Haechan sighed before nodding his head for nth times.

"yeah, drinks on me, besides we won't seeing each other for a long time soon, who know I might solve this case next year?"

Renjun frowned before smacked the younger arm slightly.

"don't say that, you make me emotional, even how much I hate you, I still will be missing you" renjun rolled his eyes, huffing.

Haechan grinned before patting the elder shoulder. "then I'll solve this case early, I'm Lee Haechan after all"

Renjun smirked before fist bumped with the younger.

Yunho smiled widely before taking a sip from his drink, sighing in relief right after. "I haven't been drinking in a while, thanks chan"

Haechan nodded his head, looking at his other members who are drinking. Jisung and Chenle playing rock, paper, scissor and who lose will drink.

Jaemin and Jeno basically talking with each other meanwhile Jeno, showing the picture of his cats and Jaemin couldn't stop cooing at the babies.

Renjun and Yunho who are drinking, forgetting all the problems only want to enjoy their night.

Haechan sighed heavily before taking a small sip from his drink. He will miss the boys so much even how much they bicker with each other, the boys are still his important people in his life.

"you sure haechan? Like you really really sure?" taeyong asked, eyes slowly widening as he heard the younger words.

"yes boss, I'm really sure" haechan grinned.

Taeyong chuckled before staring at the younger with a smile plastering on his face, "I don't expect you to accept this kind of job, haechan but I respect you braveness"

Haechan nodded his head, muttering a small thank you afterwards.

"I don't want to force you into this but if this is what you want, okay then, you won't regret it right?" Taeyong teased and haechan let out a small giggle before shaking his head.

"no boss, I won't regret my decision"

He had made the decision which is to do this stupid, crazy and dangerous job. There's no turning back.

He turned to the members again, watching them slowly getting drunk making him chuckled at their silliness.

Jaemin who's now flirting with Jeno and Jeno surprisingly flirted back.

Jisung and Chenle who are getting a bit drunk, competing over who do popping better.

Renjun who's really drunk, talking gibberish and Yunho who's controlling the smaller boy making sure he doesn't cause a scene.

And there's Haechan who still sober, not wanting to get drunk cause he sure he gotta help the members to go home safely.


"oppa, be safe okay" a voice of girl spoke out as she peeked inside Haechan's room, seeing the elder packing his stuffs.

Haechan turned to the door, smiling afterwards.

"I will dohee-ah" he signaled the girl to sit next to him and the girl obeyed her brother, sitting next to the male, pouting plastering on her face.

"what's with that face huh? You look ugly" haechan teased making the girl pouted even more before whining.

"meanie" she sighed, clinging his arms around his arm, resting her head on his arm.

"why you have to do this oppa? It's dangerous, very dangerous" dohee muttered, still pouting, hating the fact that her brother will leave her for a long period.

"I choose this job dohee, I have to take the risk, I sign up for this and it's my decision" haechan stopping folding his clothes, turning to his little sister, squishing her cheeks.

He smiled warmly staring at his little princess who he loves from the bottom of his heart.

"I'm a strong man, I will come back safely" haechan said, now patting the girl's head in comforting way.

A small smile crept on the girl's face. "then I want to be strong like you too" she said while her eyes sparkling staring back into her brother's eyes.

Haechan tilted his head, "why so?"

Dohee smiled "because you're very cool and I want to be cool too, besides your job seems fun even it's tiring, but you will feel satisfied once you accomplished something"

Haechan smile widely after hearing her statement.

"you've grown up well, that's my sister" he chuckled.

Even their age gapes aren't far, she's only 2 years younger than him but they still close and stick like magnets that's why it's sadden his sister when she heard about him have to left her for his work.

She is dead worried for her brother and can't help but to get anxious, worry that her brother will get hurt.

"promise me you will come back safely and early, the early, the better" she said. He raised his eyebrows as she showed him her pinky finger.

Haechan laughed.

"what are you? 5?" he shook his head, still laughing.

Dohee frowned "c'mon lee" she groaned making the male stop laughing and interlocked his pinky finger with hers.

"fine, fine, I promise, I will not leave you for long" he blurted and a wide smile plastered on the girl's face.

"okay then, you have promise! Also I don't want you to get hurt too! If I find someone who hurt you, I will rip their head off"

She said while getting up from her seat, walking out from his room, leaving the male chuckled in amusement at her sister's protective side. 


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