𝙸'𝚖 𝙳𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚙𝚝.𝟸

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"So you set me up?" I place my bag down beside the couch and turn my attention to Megan

"Technically no" she says slowly

" Oh really? Because I remember you telling me about the concert, and how bad you wanted me to go. It's not like you didn't know she was gonna be there Megan!" I raise my voice

" Ok. Yes! I knew she was gonna be there. And yes I set you up. But you can stand here and tell me that you didn't want to see her Y/N"
She says and I look down in defeat

" It's been 3 years Y/N. She has done everything you wanted her to do with her life. Stop fighting, going to jail, hanging with the wrong crowd. She has made a name for herself and is doing better with her life." Megan sits down on the couch and I stay standing

Not wanting to give into the fact that she was 99.9%. The other 1% was just me in denial.

In the past three years Jatavia has hit me up. I did respond but it wasn't like how it used to be. A couple 'Hey's' and 'how you doing' here and there but nothing special. Even after she started to get famous she never forgot about me.

" I know Megan but-"

" Not 'buts' Y/N. You still love her. You left her because she wasn't doing right in the relationship, and it was becoming stressful. Hell I would've left too. All you wanted was for her to grow. Now, she has." she turns to look towards me and I sigh

" Fine you right." I plop down beside her

"Look, here's her number. Call her Y/N. She leaves Monday" Megan types her number in my phone.

" I'll be upstairs" she says and walked upstairs

I stare at the number contemplating if I should call or not. I mean how bad could it be. Awkward? Maybe. But bad? Nah.

I look at the clock and it's almost midnight. The concert ended an hour ago so she should still be up.

I press the call button and place the phone to my ear. The phone rang 3 times before she answered.

"Hello?" She says and I freeze up

" Hey, Jatavia it's me Y/N" I bit my lip

" Oh! Um hey Y/N." She sounded...excited

" hey, uh I was wondering if we could meet up somewhere and talk"

" Yea! Meet me at my hotel room. I'll send you the address." She says

" Okay, I'll see you in a few"

" Ok, I'll be waiting" she hung up and I exhale

"Well foe I guess we finna see how this goes "


Jatavia's POV
I frantically move around the hotel making sure everything is in place and looks neat.

"JT what hell are you doing" Caresha asks while standing in the door way and Santana pushes past her walking inside

"Damn Santana" Caresha mugs him

"Bye Caresha" he puts his hand up dismissing her

" So are you going to tell me why you acting like the feds finna come up in here and search this bitch" she say

" Y/n's coming over. She wants to talk" I say

" Ahhh you know what that means" she smirks and looks at Santana.

" Y'all finna fuck" He says and they laugh

" No we're not. I honestly just want to talk. I mean I wouldn't mind doing it but we all know that's not how she moves so" I sigh

" Okay real shit. I hope after this little talk y'all have. Maybe y'all can work things out and get back together. " she says seriously

" Me too because for the past few years you ain't been with nobody. Every time someone tries to her with you, you say 'there not y/n' and you diss them" he says

" okay okay I get it can y'all leave now. She gone be here soon" I roll my eyes

" Well I'll see you tmr. I'm finna meet up with my sneaky link" Caresha sticks her tongue of and walks out the room

Me and Santana looks at each other and laugh

" I'm finna go back to my room. Get yo girl back JT. Do it for the gurls" he says


" Hey" she says

"Hey y/n" I say

" Come in" I step aside and she walks past me and sits on the sofa and I follow her

" So how you been?" She asks while rubbing her thighs

" I've been good. I just can't believe how far I've came. " I smile

" I told you, you could do it JT. You just had to believe in yourself." She says

" How about you? " I ask her

" Well my clothing brand is going great. I getting celebrity's to promote my clothing" she says excitedly

" I've seen that. You have some bomb ass clothes and shoes. I have a lot of your pieces at home. " I tell her

" Thank you for supporting" she says and blushes

" Always" I tell her

We sat in comfortable silence until she spoke

" Im really proud of you Jatavia. You just don't know. When I first say that you and Resha had went viral. I was ecstatic. I was sad in the beginning because I couldn't be there with you but seeing  you better yourself was all I needed."

" I was upset that you weren't by my side. After you left I just went downhill. I stayed in that house and never came out. One day Resha came over and gave be a stern talking too. She made me realize everything you were saying. I put you threw so much shit. I had you doing illegal shit to save my ass. You bailed me out of jail god knows how many times.

I took you for granted Y/n and I'm sorry. I know you deserved much more than a sorry. I hope that one day we can try this again" I grab her hand

" You know I never gave up on you right? That's the reason I'm here now. I never stopped loving you. I haven't been with anyone since I left. Megan set me up tonight. I didn't know you were going to be there, but I'm glad you were.

Because if you weren't we wouldn't have had this talk. And I wouldn't be able to tell you that I think we should give this another try" she says and my eyes widens

" Oh shit! You fr y/n like deadass" I say excitedly

" I'm deadass" she mocks me and laughs

" Shut up" I chuckle

" Come here girl" I pull her in for a hug

I'm happy Megan set her up.


What do y'all think?

This is the final part


𝔽𝕖𝕞𝕒𝕝𝕖 𝕆𝕟𝕖-𝕊𝕙𝕠𝕥𝕤♡︎♥︎Where stories live. Discover now