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Not requested just cleaning out my drafts

y/n g!p
(I didn't forget about the tops)

" don't you supposed to be meeting your stepmom today" lani questions while we were sitting in my room

"yea they should be here in a minute. I hope she's pretty because if her ass ugly he might have to drop her back off where he found her" she laughs

" Well if she is a fine one don't try to fuck her" she spoke sarcastically

" Girl goodbye, my dad ain't had a girlfriend in 6 years. It would be fucked up if I had sex with her" I shook my head

"You're right but I'm finna head out. I don't want to be here when they come." She said and stood up

" Alright I'll text you to let you know how it go and what she look like"

Only did I know things were about to take a major turn.


I heard the door open and my dad called my downstairs.

Lord please don't let this women be ugly.

I turned the corner and saw my dad talking to the women. She had a fat ass ngl.

" Y/n this is Onika. My wife" the women turned around and I knew that face..and mouth from anywhere

I stood there in shock and slowly walked over to greet her.

" Hey it's nice to meet you" I say and she smiled awkwardly

" You as well. Y/D/N didn't tell me he had such a beautiful daughter." She said while still staring at me.

Onika was somebody I hooked up with in Atlanta for spring break a couple months ago. We left the party went back to her place and fucked like never before. Now I thought her name was Tanya but shit I guess not. I told her mine was Jai so we both some lying mfs. And she think I'm 21.

" Well she does take after me" they chuckled

"I'm about to start dinner y/n why don't you and Onika get to know each other" my dad said. I nodded and guided "Onika" to the living room

" What the fuck! You told me you were 21. If I'd known you were only 17 we wouldn't have done anything" she whisper yelled

" Well- that's not the point. You weren't worried about my age when I was in that p-"

"Shut up! And you told me your name was Jai" she smacked my arm

" And you said your name was Tanya" I smirked and she rolled her eyes

" It's my middle name" she said. We stood in silence for about a second before I broke it

" Look none of this matters anymore. You're about to marry my dad let's just forget what happened and move on" I says and she nods

" I can do that" she smirked

" Okayyyy" I dragged out before walking back into the kitchen


1:00 am

I knew for a fact I was sleeping. I don't know if I was having a wet dream or just hella horny. My bottom half had become extremely warm like it was in something.

I started slowly waking up. I saw something under the covers moving up and down

Snatching the covers off I see Onika with my dick in her mouth

" Onika what the fuck are you doing?!" I whisper shouted

" He can't do it like you daddy" she got up and sank down on me

She began bouncing up and down after a few minutes I felt myself needing to release. She had cum twice already

" Nic I need you to get up" is at but she kept going

" Fuck Nicki get up" I left her up off me but I was a quarter of a second to late

She look at me doe eyed

" Please tell me you on birth control" I pleaded

" Nope" she hopped up skipping her way out of the room

What the fuck is wrong with this women.


No part 2🥴

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