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Y/n will be Jordan

Jordan's POV

" Alaina come on so you can eat kid " i told my 16 year old

She's been in this room for hours watching story times about serial killers & murderers. Should I be worried?..Maybe.

" Okay mama I'm coming" she said but her eyes were glued to her tv

" What is up with you & these story times?" I chuckled & walked over to sit beside her

" It's fascinating! Especially this one. I've been on this one for hours. I researched a lot of things." She said & showed me the information on her MacBook

" Ahh the famous 'Raven'. I remember this one." I scrolled through the site

" I've looked through so many sites & haven't found any new information on this killer. Only what they've found. What interests me the most is the fact that they still haven't been caught yet" Alaina spoke as she stood up from her bed

" Yea they haven't been active for maybe 18 years. i remember me & your mom being in college around the time. It was crazy having a serial killer in your city. We were sophomores at the time so we had to stay on campus & that made it scarier because some of us had classes in the afternoon & it would be dark by the time we got out them we would have to go all the way back to the dorms" I said & she looked at me in shock

" I forgot you & mom went to college in Houston. Wait didn't someone who went there get murdered? " she asked

I stood up walking over to the door then paused for a second. Megan

" Yea. Her name was Megan. We talked here and there but we weren't close" I said

" Okay enough of this you need to come eat. You mom is waiting for us"


" Damn baby what took y'all so long?" Bey said walking up to me pecking me on the lips

" Well your daughter is obsessed with serial killers & has been glued to her tv for hours. " I wrap my arms around her neck

" Oh don't tell me she's obsessed with Ted Bundy" she chuckles

" No. Raven actually. She's even more interested now that she remember most of their kills were in Houston. Which I told her" I laughed and look at Bey

She stared at me for a second before giving me a soft smiled.

" Oh yea she was a bad one back then. " Bey said and I nodded

" I know right & they never got caught. " I fixed her plate as well as mine

Alaina came scrolling down the stairs into the kitchen

" Well look who it is ! My beautiful daughter whom I haven't seen all day " Bey says dramatically

I shake my head and we all sat down for dinner


It's Monday morning & I'm currently at home by myself doing laundry

I found myself deep in thought.


" Bey I am not about to go skinny dipping in 50 degree weather" I laughed

We have been in my dorm all day because neither of us had classes today

" Come on babe. You know what they say 'you only live once" she shrugs

" Just because you take ice baths & is used to being freezing cold doesn't mean I am" I shake my head

Bey & I have been dating for around 8 months. We're still getting to know more & more about each other

I called in for pizza about 20 min ago so it should be arriving soon.

"Your hands are soft" I complemented

Rubbing my fingers across her hands examining them. I saw a red mark that I never noticed

" babe what happened to your finger" I said & she looked down

" oh I cut my finger. It's still a little red" she said

I just nodded & turned my attention to the door

I grabbed my wallet & went to open the door. It was Onika standing at the door with tears rolling down her eyes

" Nika what's wrong!" I reached to pull her inside

" Megan was murdered"

Megan & I weren't close but we did speak on occasion. She was the flirty type but also a very fun person


That messed up everyone on campus. People started taking online classes, transferring schools, and dropping out. I was a bit shaken up but I still finished school. The killings had stopped the following year but know one understood why Megan was murdered


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Part 2?

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