𝙲𝚊𝚗 𝚠𝚎 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚙𝚝.𝟷

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Walking into my health class taking my assigned seat in the middle of the classroom. I put my stuff down waiting for the bell to ring. Pulling out the homework that my teacher Mr. Smith is going to be taking up. The bell rings signaling that class is about to start.

" Okay class take out the homework that's was giving to you the other day. I will be collecting that today. If you do not have you already know how it goes 10 points off everyday you don't turn it in. Now today we will be startin-" he gets interrupted by a knock on the door.

He huffs and goes to open the door. Reveal the Beyoncé and her rat and I mean her girlfriend. I know your probably wondering why do you feel this way towards Beyoncé. Well let me take you back to 2 years ago.

Flashback: 2018

"Bey are you sure we should do this?" I ask her with a shaky voice

" Do you trust me Y/N" she asks staring into my eyes. I nod

" No baby I want to hear you say it" she says more demandingly

" Yes I trust you. Um do you have a condom?" I ask her as I stayed laying down on my back with her between my legs

" No, but I'll pull out don't worry" she says placing the tip at my entrance

" Can you go slow?" I ask looking down nervously watching her slide in slowly

" I got you baby" she say lowly and slides all the way in

" mhmmm" I whine with my faces scrunched up. This is so uncomfortable

After a few more thrusts it begins to feel amazing

" Omg Bey" I moan as I squeeze her forearm and she speeds up

" Shit" she groans. We go at this for about five more minutes until....

" BEY IM HOME" her mom shouts

" Fuck I'm bout to nut" she says grunting we were so caught up in the sex we barley heard her mama

" oh fuckk" I say as I hum and she cums

" BEYONCÉ I KNOW YOU HEARD ME " her mom screams and we hear her loud foot steps walking up the stairs

" Shit go in the in the bathroom" she says and we both rush to the bathroom and she quickly turns on the shower

" BEY" her mom called for her again as she walking in her room

" IM IN THE SHOWER MA" Bey yells back and bites her lip nervously

" Okay well I'm about to get ready and go out with Chanel. She said Y/N is out at the library if you want to come over call her or you can go to her house" her mom tells her clueless of the fact that I'm in the bathroom with Bey; butt ass naked at that

" Okay mama I'll call her. See you later. Love you" Bey says back and her mom yells 'ok' and leaves out the room. Bey goes to the bathroom  door and cracks the door a little seeing her mom was gone

She closes the door and lets out a breath.

" Omfg that was close" she says and we just stand in silence

" Um I'm gonna take a shower. Can I borrow some clothes? " I ask walking towards the shower

" yea you mind if we take one together?You know to save water bc it has been running for a minute." She says and my heart speeds up. Well I wasn't expecting that. I mean it shouldn't be weird we just had sex

"Yea it's fine" I say and we both get in the shower

3 weeks later

" I don't know. I can't be pregnant. Omg my mom is going to kill me" I say as I cry sitting on the toilet.

" Babes the test says positive. You've taking 4 of them. You have to tell your mom. I'm pretty sure she know about now. She's just waiting on you to say something. She may be disappointed but not mad. She had you at 16 Y/N. Just talk to her ok? I'm always going to be here for you." She says as she rubs my back and wipes my tears.

" Okay I'm going to tell her tonight. I don't know how long I can keep this from her" I say and sigh

" Okay. Who's the father?" She asks and I stay silent for a minute contemplating on telling her

" Beyoncé" I tell her and she gasps

" Y/N ! Beyoncé Knowles? Our Bestfriend Beyoncé. The one we grew up with?" She asks with and shocked expression

" Yes Robyn. I don't know to many Beyoncé's " I say and roll my eyes

" I mean y'all would always flirt, but damn. When you gonna tell her?" She says

" Tomorrow" I say with my head down. That's the only thing I'm worried about. I'm 15 and Bey and 16. We aren't ready for kids but look at where we are.

End of flashback

That night I told my mom I was pregnant. She wasn't mad. Yes she was a little disappointed because she didn't want me to be like her. But in the end she was excited she was there for me every step of the way. Buttt when I told be Bey; she was shocked of course. She seemed happy but like a week later I stopped seeing her. She never came around. 9months passed she was wasn't there. Just me and my mom. Oh and Robyn of course. She wasn't playing when she says she would be there for me every step of the way. I couldn't even pee by myself without her.

I had a beautiful babygirl and I named her Harmony Gisselle Knowles. Yes I gave her Beyoncé's last name. Ever since then I haven't spoken to her and she hasn't spoken to me. We see each other everyday she stares at me but doesn't say anything.

So yep there's the story

" Ms knowles and Ms Pete. It's so nice to see you." He says with sarcasm

" You to Mr. Smith" Beyonce says and she walks to her seat with Megan behind her.

" Like was saying class we have a project. And it's going to be the Reborn Baby Project. " he says and I the class gets excited. People begin talking. Discussing how their going to pick to be there partner

" Okay now class. I will be picking partners, and lucky for you I already have." He says going to sit at his desk

" The white paper that on the wall by the door and by my desk are who your going to be partnered with. You guess are going for be taking care of a baby for 4 weeks. You have to 'feed' the baby, change it, give it attention. And in the end of the 4 week mark you will report back to me how your experience was. You may go see who your partners are" he explains and I type is in my computer because I forget stuff.

I then get up and go to paper seeing who my partner is. I search for my name. I finally found it and I slide my finger over to my partners name

'Beyoncé Knowles'

"You gotta be fucking kidding" I say with anger

" Hey partner" I hear from behind me. I turn around seeing her smiling down at me

" Listen since I'm going to be around you for 4 weeks I want to set some rules. We aren't friends. We only communicate about the child. If you want to talk I'm pretty sure you still have my number" I tell her and I see her facial expressions change. She looks...hurt.

" Uh yea. So when so you want to start" she asks rubbing the back of her neck

" Tomorrow and we can meet at your house" I say and she nods

" Ight I'll see you tomorrow then" she says in a low raspy voice. Oh my Jesus.

" Yep" I says and walk off

These about to be down long 4 weeks


What y'all think?


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