𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚍 𝙲𝚑𝚎𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛?!

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The sweet smell of vanila and sex is what woke me up, and the sun thats beaming through the curtains. Which causes me to groan because i have a pounding headache. I try to sit up but i feel a sharp pain between my legs.

" Sss what the fuck" l groan. I look down see an arm thrown across my waist, also seeing that im naked.

I slowly turn my head toward the person. I see Onika Maraj. Omg omg omg. Please dont tell me she's nakes too. I lift the covers and I see that she is naked.

No no no this can't be happining. I did not have sex with Onika Maraj the head cheerleader, the popular girl.

"Shit" I say lowly and gently move her arm getting out the bed throwing on my dress from last night. I grab my phone that was on the floor and tip toe out the door.

I make my way out the front door get in my car and drive home. What happened? Ok Y/N think. We went to a party that we had no business going to. I had a drink and dont remember anything after that.

I pull up at my house seeing my mom was home. Damn.

I walk in the house hearing music playing. I walk in the kitchen and she's cooking breakfast. She turns around and sees me standing at the counter. She instantly smiles.

" Hey baby, how was the party?" she asks coming over to hug me. She then starts sniffing me.

" uh It was fun" I say nervously

" Yea I can tell. Gone upstairs and shower. Breakfast will be done by the time you get out.

" Whewww" i blow out a breath and go shower. This limp gotta go.


I do not want to be here. The worst thing is i have to see her 1st period. Well the good thing is; I stopped limping. Thank God.

I walk into first period sit down in the back of the class, put my AirPods in and put my head down. I don't have any work to do in this class since I completed it already.

I begin to doze off. Suddenly I feel someone tap me. I lift my head and pause my music turning towards the person seeing that is Onika. Oh come on really. I was doing so good. Now I'm all nervous

" Uh hi" I say in a shaky voice

" Hey, whatcha doing back here by yourself" she asks looking down at me smiling

" Oh uh I don't really feel good" I clear my throat looking down.

"What's wrong Ma? You wanna come sit by me? We're about to watch a movie anyway" she asks with hope in her eyes. I can't say no now.

" Yea sure" I say and grab my stuff standing up and following her to her seat. I see her friends Lauren, Megan and Beyoncé staring at us smirking.

" Who's this Nika" Megan asks

"This is Y/N" she says and places her hand on my lower back. How can she act as if nothing happened.

" Ohhhh I know you! Girl you was throwing that ass back on Nicki at the party. You definitely gotta teach me how to twerk because chile" Lauren says excitedly causes me to blush furiously. Well that's one thing I did that was embarrassing.

" LAUREN" they ask say

" Whatttt" she says

" I'm sorry about her" Nicki says as she slightly rubs by back

" Uh it's fine" I say and the teacher cuts off the lights and puts on the movie. I take my coat and cover myself with it and turn my attention to the movie. I begin the get uncomfortable.

" Hey Onika, can I lay on your shoulder." I ask shyly and she smiles

" Yea Ma go ahead. You don't gotta ask" she says lowly

I blush and lay my head on her shoulder and she places her and on my thigh and begin rubbing it. She inches closer and closer to my private causing me to grow wetter and wetter.

She grabs my chin and gently turn my head towards her making me look her in her eyes. Yea I'm definitely soaked. She takes her hand and unbutton my pants.

" Can I" she asks for consent and I nod turning my head to face the movie.

She slips her hand in my panties and begin to rub my clit and I whine and the feeling. She inches down and inserts her fingers and begin to finger me.

" Oh fuck" I whisper and rock on her fingers

" You so fucking wet Ma" she says in my ear and I shudder. She speeds up her fingers and I feel myself. Begins to cum

" Why did you leave daddy, huh? I wanted to see that pretty face of yours when I woke up" she asks while she's fingering me

" I-I d-don't know d-daddy" I could barely say.

" I'm about to cum" I whisper and she goes rougher and harder. I begin to see stars. I shake and feel myself cum on her fingers

She pulls them out and suck them. Groaning at the taste.

" Shit baby you taste so fucking good" she says and grabs my hand making us stand up

" wait where are we going" I ask following her out the class. She walked us to the bathroom

" Nicki what are we doing in here. We're going to get in trouble. We should get back to class" I say and turn around about to walk out the door but she grabs me by my belt loop

" We're not going to get in trouble. Plus we need to talk" she says and picks me up placing me on the counter and my arms instantly go around her neck.

" So watcha wanna talk about" I ask her. I knew exactly she wants to talk about. I just want her to say it first

" Come on Y/N. Don't act like you don't know. We fucked. I know you don't remember, but we did. And I just fingered you in class. Babygirl I know you may regret us having sex but I don't. I been feeling you since sophomore year. Sooo all I'm asking for is a chance" she says whole heartedly looking in my eyes

" I don't know Nika. Your popular and I'm basically an outsider. I don't want people to think I'm using you just for popularity" I say sadly and pout

" Baby fuck them. It's just you and me. I don't care what they think. If somebody wanna be bold they can take that shit up with me. I promise not to hurt you. I only want to love you, cherish you and protect you. You gone let me do that?" She asks gripping me chin softly. It wouldn't be so bad...Right?

" Yea I guess" I smile and roll my eyes and she smiles and leans forward and we begins kissing.

We pull away from eachother with our foreheads touching

" I always got you mama" she says


What do y'all think?


𝔽𝕖𝕞𝕒𝕝𝕖 𝕆𝕟𝕖-𝕊𝕙𝕠𝕥𝕤♡︎♥︎Where stories live. Discover now