𝙲𝚘𝚊𝚌𝚑 𝙿𝚎𝚝𝚎 𝚙𝚝.𝟹

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Megan POV

I was sitting in my office texting Y/n. She was on her lunch break and was with her nosy coworkers so we didn't get to do our usual FaceTime. She told me she was about to go back to work and she'll call later.

As time went by, a month in a half to be exact out bond have literally snapped back to how it was before. We've been on plenty of dates. Some with the boys and sometime it would just be all of us chilling at her house or mine. I was worried about them liking me at first. I didn't want them to think I was trying to replace their father. But they seem to genuinely like me and I'm happy about that I think he may be growing a bond of our own. Malek even told me he was bisexual which shocked me. Not at the fact that he was but being since he told me and not his mom.

The team was in the gym doing drills and I was looking over the permission slips and paper work for the team trip. I stood up walking out with the papers in the folder to drop them off at the front office.


After a long conversation with Ms. Smith at the front desk I made my way to the gym. Walking in I hear I bunch of noise.

Rushing in I see Micah and Jordan fighting and the boys trying to break them up.

" AY STOP RIGHT NOW" I yelled running over to them pulling them apart

Malek holding Micah and Jordan's best friend who so happens to be Kaiden holding him.

" YOU THINK YOU RUN SHIT JUST CAUSE COACH FUCKING YO MAMA" Jordan screamed and Micah let Malek go and they were about charge at him when I held onto both

" Coach let me go" Malek said when anger

" I can't do that. I know y'all mad but I need you to calm down. And you Jordan go in my office now!" I turn toward him to see him shaking his head with an angry expression. He shrugs Kaiden off and walks goes towards my office

" Listen I don't want to hear about this around this school at all. This stays here. Do I make myself clear?" I look at them and they nod

" Yes Coach" they said in unison

" Alright now go to the weight room. Practice doesn't end for another hour in half. I will come get you when I'm done" they shook there heads and ran off.

Kaiden still stood there

" Malek-" He said in a pleading tone

" Just go Kaiden. I'll talk to you later" Malek dismisses him and he looks down and runs towards the weight room

I look at the boys and point to the bleachers. They sat down and I stood I front of them

" What the hell happened?!" I knew the boys weren't the type to just go starting trouble and fighting.

" Jordan been on my top since practice started Coach. He was saying lil sly shi- stuff in the locker room and I just ignored it. Then when we came in here we started warming up and thought it would be a good idea if we played a quick game before we actually started doing drills. So some of the boys were like they wanted to be on my team and one of Jordan's friends chose to be on my team and he got mad and just started talking reckless. He was mad that I was ignoring him so he thew the ball at me and it hit my head. I knew it was on purpose and that set me off so we started tussling and that's when you walked in. Then said some about mama and you know we don't play about her Coach " Micah explained and I immediately knew what it was about.

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