𝙲𝚊𝚗 𝚠𝚎 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚙𝚝.𝟸

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Excuse any mistakes or spelling⚠️


"Hey Ma, Y/N and I got assigned to do a project together. I was wondering if she could come over to do it." I ask and she looks at me with a bright smile

"YES!  Of course baby. I haven't seen her since..you know" she says and looks down.

I guess I should explain why I haven't been in my child's life.

The day Y/N told me she was pregnant; I was so happy. I went home and I told my mom. Of course she lectured me about having sex and not using protection and stuff but overall she was happy. When my dad came home we decided we wanted to tell him together.

When we told him, he was upset, angry. He cursed me out and says I was being a hoe and having sex without using protection. His reaction shocked me to say the least. He was saying stuff like ' that baby probably isn't yours', 'that Y/N girl is fast'. Which enraged me. We ended up getting into a huge argument that night. He forbidden me from seeing Y/N and my child. My mom tried to stop him and she was telling him it was wrong and all that, and how he could do that. He threaten to kick us out his house. My mom couldn't say anything because the house isn't technically ours; it belongs to him and if he kicked us out where would we go.

Just recently we got enough money to where we could move out and my parents got a divorce. Lately I have been trying to talk to Y/N. No matter how many times I tried to go see her and my child he wouldn't let me. He had people watch me like a hawk. The day I snuck out to go to the hospital when Y/N gave birth he caught me coming back in the house so late; I got the worse beating ever. But I didn't care. I wasn't going to missed the birth of my child. I may not have been in the room but I heard everything. From the screaming that came from Y/N to the sweet cry that came from my baby girl.

So yep that's the story. Hopefully today I can talk to her and explain everything to her. But the thing is Y/N is stubborn, so hopefully she will listen to me. And maybe in a couple months or so she will let me see my daughter....anddd maybe we couple pick up where we left off


" Y/N IS HERE BEYONCÉ" my mom yells from the kitchen and I begin walking towards the door but she stops me

" Try to tell her the truth about everything today. I now how stubborn she is but just try ok?" My mom tells me

" I'll try mama" I say and she smiles at me and nod. I walk to the front door and opened it seeing Y/N standing there with her book bag on her shoulder and our baby ( the fake baby).

" Hey. Come in" I tell her

" Hey" she says and walks in the house

" Hey Y/N. It's been a while. How are you sweetie?" My mom asks her and I look at her like she's crazy. Now why the hell would you ask her that

" Hey Mama Tina. I'm good and you. Everything has been fine" she says bouncing on her toes

" Oh well that good sweetheart. You too gone up them stairs. I'll call y'all down when I get done cooking" my mom says and we nod. I begin walking up the steps with Y/N following behind me. I get to my room and I open the door for her and she walks in and sits on my bed

" So, what do we have to do" I ask her and she takes out the sheet of paper.

" Okay so, for week 1 it says we have to both spend time with the baby. So meaning we have to change him, feed him, and give him attention. And beside it, it says both parents are required to spend the first week together while taking care of newborn reborn child" she reads the instructions off the paper.

It says we have to spend one week together. Not like she come over my house and leave. She has to stay over. Welp I don't know how this is about to go

" Listen I know you probably don't want to do the whole spending the night thin-" I say

" You damn right I don't. I have a child to take care of." She snaps. Damn that lowkey hurt

" Okay let's just forget about this whole project for a second. I want to talk to you" I say and go sit at the desk

" No, this is nothing to talk about." She says and stands up

" What are you doing" I ask and she grabs her book bag

" I didn't come here to talk about my private life. I came here to do this project. We had all the time in the world to talk. Why choose to now? " she yells and I get a little angry

" Fuck Y/N can you just listen to me. I've been trying to talk to you for the longest. Every time I come up to you you walk away or dismiss me. Shit Y/N do you actually think that after all the shit I told you about how happy I was about you having my baby and how I was going to be their for you; I was going to just up and leave you like that. I was forced to stay away from you by my dad. When I told my mom you were pregnant she was happy, but when it came around to tell my dad he was pissed. We got into an arguemenr and he said if I didn't stay away from you he would kick me and my mom out.

We didn't have enough money at the time so we just had to deal with him. Even before you left school to do online classes I tried to talk to you about everything but you wouldn't let me. I get why but come on you didn't attests want an explanation? I was there when you gave birth Y/N. I refused to miss that. I stood right outside that door wishing that I could be in their to hold your hand and help you through it. When I heard my baby girl cry; It felt like my whole world changed. You may or may or may not believe me, but it's the truth. I wouldn't leave you like that in purpose and you know that." I poor out everything to her and she looks up at me with teary eyes. The look head disbelief and pain

" I-I I don't know what to say Bey. I didn't know. Omg I feel so bad" she says and walks back over to my bed and sits covering her face

I sit beside her and rub her back. We sit in silence for a few minutes

" Do you want to meet her?" She asks and I perk up

" What" I say in disbelief

" Do you want to meet her Bey? She know about you. Well she knows that she has another parent" She says rubbing the back of my hand

" YES! I would love to" I tell her. I'm jumping for joy right now

" Do you think that maybe in the future we can work on us?" I ask her and she lifts her head

" Us? Like relationship wise" she asks

" Yea. I do have feeling for you. I'm not just saying this because we have a child together. I really wanna be with you" I say

" What about Megan?" She asks and I chuckle; she looks at me confused

" Megan and I aren't dating. She's pretending to be with me to make her ex jealous. Trust me she knows how much I like you." I said and she laughs

" Wow anyways, how about we start off as friends again and see where that takes us" she says and I smile

" What ever you wanna do. I willing to wait" I say


What do you think?



𝔽𝕖𝕞𝕒𝕝𝕖 𝕆𝕟𝕖-𝕊𝕙𝕠𝕥𝕤♡︎♥︎Where stories live. Discover now