𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙷𝚘𝚕𝚢 𝚃𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚒𝚝𝚢 𝚙𝚝.𝟷

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" Where are you going?" The tall women asks

" I have to go to work, remember" I pull up my skirt

*ring* * ring*

"Who's that?" I ask her

" Well I ordered us breakfast. But I forgot that you have to work so we can't eat together " she says and I look at her pouting

"Megannn. I'm sorry, look maybe next time. If I'm late my boss will literally kill me" I tell her and she stands up showing all her nakedness

"I know baby" she pecked my lips and squeezed my butt

" Grab my wallet and go downstairs and pay for the food for me" she says against my lips

"Mhmm okay" I grab her wallet that's on the dresser and walk to the front door and open it

I see the man holding a bag of food from Waffle House.

Well shit, I can be a little late.

"Hey, ma'am, it's $20" he says and I open Megan's wallet

Really, this girl only has 50's and 100's

I give him the $50 bill and tell him to keep the change. It's not like Megan's gonna miss it anyway. This girl got fucking bank

I talking about loaded.

We met at an event that my boss was hosting. We exchanged numbers and it just went from there.

I always questions why does she live in this big ass house all my herself. She never goes in detail about it and she always dismisses it.

" I wish you could stay longer" I hear from behind me

" I do to, but if I don't get going I'm going to receive an unpleasant call from my boss" I place the bag on the counter

" Yea yea I know, but call me when you get off" she says and I kiss her

I grab my purse and put my heels on and walk out the door.


" Well look who decided to show up" I hear and I walk in the room

That voice came from no one other than my obnoxious boss. I swear she irks my soul. But she is just sooo sexy

" I'm literally one minute late. And that was because Candice at the front desk likes to hold conversations" I sigh and place my purse on my chair at my desk

She walks over to my buttoning up her pants suit jacket.

" I need you to be my plus one to this even that I'm hosting Saturday for the company" she says and smile at me

I roll my eyes while smiling

"Is this about the partnership with Adidas" I cross my arms

" Yes it is. You know how important this is. And I think having a beautiful lady by my side is a plus" she smirks and places a hand on my waist

Our relationship is weird.

How can I says this? We have a love, hate platonic relationship.

We've never done anything sexual but I think she likes me. Now I'm not saying that we haven't almost done anything. I always stop her. Reason being is because shes married and I'm not a home wrecker.

" I don't think that would be a good idea Ms. Knowles" I says and she frowns

" And why is that" she says crossing her arms and putting her weight on one leg

" Well as big as this event is I assume your wife is going to be their. And how would she feel seeing you all up on another women" I ask

" I don't think she would mind" she says and shrugs

" Oh really" I ask confused

" You'd be surprised Y/n" she smirks and walks back to her desk

" Okayyy" I drag out and sits down

" I'll have Candice drop off the dress you will be wearing at your house" she says while typing something on her computer

" okay"


" Woah this is beautiful" I say in awe

" I know right. At first I thought I was going to be too much gold" she wraps her arm around my waist

For the rest of the night we conversed with different people.

Beyoncé gave her speech about how excited she is about partnering up with Adidas.

"Hey Y/n here's someone I want you
to meet." I here Bey say from beside me

I turn around and become face to face with Megan.

"'This is my wife Megan." She says

I stand there shocked

Our eyes connect with each other and she smiles at me.

Tf is she smiling for

" Hey, it's so nice to meet you" she reaches out and shakes my hand

"You as well"

I'm so fucked


What do you think is gonna happen next?

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𝔽𝕖𝕞𝕒𝕝𝕖 𝕆𝕟𝕖-𝕊𝕙𝕠𝕥𝕤♡︎♥︎Where stories live. Discover now