Chapter 4

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Nico sat under a tree on the edge of the camp forest, watching the sun rise. The sun always calmed him, especially after a nightmare. It wasn't something you'd normally expect of a son of Hades, but opposites attract, as they say, and Nico wasn't one for accepting stereotypes.

The first rays broke over the horizon, golden, brilliant. He was reminded of Will, as much as he tried to avoid thoughts of the son of Apollo. The sun rise was same shade as his skin. He even glowed like the sun, sometimes, when he was really happy, or using his medicinial powers. Not that Nico had been watching him or anything.

Nico had just begun to wonder if Will's skin was as warm as the sun when the very person he had been thinking of walked up to him, the sunlight silhouetting the other demigod's body. Nico immediately blushed.

"H-hey Will," he stammered, thanking the gods that Will couldn't read minds.

"Hey Nico." Will sat down beside Nico, who tensed slightly as the son of Apollo's tan arm brushed his own pale one.

"Surprised to see you up early," Will said, watching the sun.

Nico shrugged, aware of his shoulder brushing Will's as he did, and blushed. "Um..I...I like to watch the sun. It helps me with the nightmares."

"Oh." Will nodded, looking at Nico out of the corner of his eye. Nico almost died. Gah, why does he have to be so hot?

"What about?"

"H-huh?" Nico said, blinking.

"Your nightmares," Will asked, looking back to the sunrise. "What are they about?"

"Oh." Nico shifted uncomfortably, tensing up again from memories. "Well.....Tartarus, mostly."

He was surprised with himself. He hadn't told anyone about the nightmares, and of all people, why would he tell Will Solace, who he totally DID NOT like and want to impress?

Will nodded. Suddenly, he took Nico's hand in his, causing Nico's eyes to widen and his cheeks to turn red. Will began to quietly sing a hymn to his father in Ancient  Greek. His hands, which cupped Nico's, began to glow slightly, and Nico felt a soft warmth, and sense of relaxation spread over him.

Will took his hands away. "Sorry, that was random. I could tell you were stressed, so..."

"So what?"

"So, I tried to make you feel better."


Will's laugh was like a song. "Because you're my friend, di Angelo."

Nico felt something twist up in his chest. "Um, well, uhh," he stammered. He cleared his throat. "Why? Why would you want to be my friend?"

Will rolled his sky-blue eyes, then looked at Nico straight in the face. "Why wouldn't I want to be your friend?"

Nico looked down, knowing he'd fall apart if he met those beautiful eyes again. "Because I'm a horrible person."

Will shook his head. "No you're not."

"Yes, I am," Nico said, crossing his arms, making his elbow bump into Will's, then quickly uncrossing them.




Nico rolled his eyes. "Not this again."

Will grinned at him, his eyes twinkling. "You didn't disagree that time."

"Will!" Nico said, frustrated.

Will tucked his hands behind his head and slid down the tree so he was laying down a and looking up at Nico, who swallowed. "Why is it so hard for you to accept that there are some people who want to be your friend?"

Nico lookrd away from him, to the sun, which was almost fully risen. "Because I don't want to get my hopes up. Because what if its a lie? What if they're just pretending?"

"Nico." Nick looked down at him, down at his blue eyes and white teeth. "I'm not pretending."

Nico looked away. "I don't know."

"About what?"

About trusting you. I trusted Percy, and he broke the shield I'd set up against the world. And I loved him. And he never loved me, just accepted me as a friend. I can't let that happen again, not with you. I can't love you and not be loved by you,  Nico thought. He wanted to say that. But, instead he said  "About things. Friendship. People in general. I just don't know."

Will propped himself up on his elbows. "Well, think about it. Maybe a friend is what you need."

Nico nodded, once, and as Will got up and walked off, Nico knew that he was beginning to trust the son of Apollo, whether Nico liked it or not.

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