Chapter 11

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The next day, Will woke up at sunrise, as per usual. He quickly packed his supplies for the quest and left the cabin.

He climbed to the top of Half-Blood Hill and leaned against Thalia's pine tree, gazing at the barrier. He didn't notice Chiron had walked up to him until the centaur laid a hand on Will's shoulder.

"You care for him deeply, don't you?" Chiron asked, coming to stand beside Will, his hooves making no sound against the soft earth.

"Yeah, I do," Will replied. If anyone else had asked, Will would probably have gotten all defensive and denied his feelings. But he felt like he could trust Chiron; he felt like the old centaur would understand (a.n. lol plot twist chiron is gay too).

Chiron nodded, also fixing his gaze on the barrier. His forehead was creased and he appeared to be deep in thought.

"Be careful," the centaur finally said. He frowned. "This has more to it than a simple rescue mission."

"What do you mean?" Will asked.

Chiron didn't answer him. Will looked at the centaur and could see the worry in his eyes.

"Chiron," Will said. "What's wrong?"

"Just...something about this quest..." Chiron mused. "I think..."

He looked at Will, his gaze intense. "You can't fail. It's necessary...uh, imperative."

"Huh?" Will asked, confused.

Chiron looked back towards the cabins, and Will caught sight of Percy and Reyna at the base of Half-Blood Hill.  "It's almost time for you to leave," Chiron said.

He walked off. Will watched him go, frustrated. What had he meant?

Percy and Reyna reached where Will was standing.

"What was Chiron saying?" Percy asked.

"I'm not sure," Will said. "He was being really weird. He said something about this quest being important, but not what it seems?"

"Huh," Reyna said, her dark eyes following the centaur as he returned to the Big House. "I wonder what he meant."

"Yeah," Percy nodded. "Anyways, let's go."

"Yeah." Will walked over the border, Reyna and Percy following.


Nico had a dream about Bianca. Well, nightmare, really. He hadn't dreamed about Bianca in a while, and he woke up with tears on his face.

Nico pushed himself up to a sitting position as best he could, and tried to shadow travel again. The same thing happened, and his Underworld magic was blocked. Attempting to shadow travel only sapped his strength and gave him a splitting headache.

Nico wanted to sleep again, but whenever he closed his eyes, he had nightmares, and he really couldn't take any more emotional stress at this point.

Nico sighed deeply and leaned his head back against the cold concrete.

He heard the creak of a door, then a voice said "Poor halfblood. Why so sad?"


sorry for the awkward writing.

4/17/16 - i'm editing this and the author's note said something about having 1k reads and it kinda made me want to cry bc this fic has come so far since then and thank you guys for everything

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