Chapter 18

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Bianca stood in front of Nico, not the way she had looked as a Hunter of Artemis, but the way she had looked the night Percy, Annabeth, Thalia and Grover found them, before she joined the Hunters. 

"Bianca," he said. He wanted to step forward and hug her, but the rational part of his mind told him to stay. "Y-you're dead," he said, flinching at the harshness of his own words. "You chose rebirth. You're not here anymore."

"Nico," she said, extending a hand to him. "I'm not. I'm here with you."

This confused Nico. "Stop it!" he said loudly, tears beginning to drip down his face. "You're confusing me. This isn't real. Stop it!"

"Nico." Bianca began to fade, her image becoming wispy and semi-transparent. In spite of himself, Nico rushed forward, grabbing at the air where Bianca was. His fingers slid through her picture, and the ghostly figure dispersed.

Nico woke up with tears on his face. Even though his day had ended nicely, with the whole "sitting-on-the-beach-with-Will" thing, he still had nightmares. Wiping his tears from his face, Nico closed his eyes and tried to return to sleep. But he couldn't. He was scared of more nightmares.

Throwing on some clothes, Nico slipped outside. The night air helped to calm him down, and Nico began to walk towards the forest. He felt sort of exposed in the middle of camp; there were no shadows to hide in.

He had gone a few yards into the trees when he heard a voice behind him and whirled around, sword out.

"You really shouldn't be in the forest so late," Will chided, ignoring Nico's weapon. "Even though we're at camp, the monsters in the forest can still get you."

Nico lowered his weapon, almost smiling at the sight of the son of Apollo, who glowed slightly in the darkness. "I can take care of myself," he said. 

Will smirked at him. "Sure."

Nico glared at him halfheartedly. "Shut up."

Will laughed. "C'mon Death Boy," he said, walking forward and taking Nico's arm. He lead Nico over to a large tree and sat down against it, pulling Nico down with him, who blushed as their shoulders touched slightly.

"Couldn't sleep?" Will asked.

"No," Nico answered. "I was having nightmares."

"I know."

Nico looked at Will. "How?"

"I'm a doctor," Will said, turning to look at Nico. "And...yeah, I'm a doctor."

Nico wondered what he was going to add, but ignored his curiosity and focused on just being with Will. The other demigod's presence was relaxing, comforting. Nico found himself getting slightly drowsy. He hadn't realized how sleep-deprieved he was. Nico yawned a tiny bit, and Will looked over at him again.

"I guess it's just the Hades cabin," Will said softly. "You seem pretty tired out here."

"I guess," Nico replied sleepily. "The decor isn't very relaxing, after all."

"But it's nice out here," Will said, looking up at the sky.

"Mm," Nico said, too tired to reply. "Yeah."

He felt himself tilting sideways, until his head rested on Will's shoulder. Nico felt Will's warm arm encircle his shoulders and turned farther into the son of Apollo, nestling his head into Will's neck. Nico closed his eyes and fell asleep.
So I lied. The last chapter is the third to last chapter, this one is the second to last chapter. :( Anyways, so so so sorry for the late update and short chapter. I've had lots of school stuff and testing, so I've not had a lot of time. (I've also been binge-watching Black Butler, but that's irrelevant xD) Next/last chapter will actually be soon. Enjoy, and thank you for voting, commenting, and reading!

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