Nico, Will, and the other demigods reached the top of Half-Blood Hill. The troll was still there, trying to break through the barrier with its club. It roared at them as they approached, and Nico was sure the blast of air would have made him step back a few feet had the barrier not been there to protect him.
Percy drew his sword and looked around at the assembled demigods. "We'll take turns attacking, alright? Switch off too quickly for it to focus on any one person. And...the Hecate campers and the Apollo campers should stay inside the barrier and do ranged attacks?"
"Sounds good," Nico said, nodding. Affirmations were echoed throughout the group.
"Well, let's go then," said a daughter of Athena, twirling her dagger.
Nico took a deep breath and stepped through the barrier, followed by the rest of the campers. Percy attacked first, leaping out towards the troll and striking at its midsection. The troll blocked the strike with a huge, calloused hand. Instead of biting into the troll's flesh, as Nico expected, the blade bounced off of the troll.
Percy fell back, and Nico darted forward. He attemped, like Percy, to hit the troll in its midsection, however, his blade bounced off as well.
"We have to find a weak spot!" Annabeth called, circling the troll.
Nico scanned the monster, looking for a spot on its ugly body that seemed weaker than the rest. Nico couldn't see any differences in the troll's skin, and his heart sank. This task was starting to seem hopeless. Nico realized it was his turn to attack again, and he jumped forward, ducking under the troll's club and striking at its thigh, as magic from the Hecate cabin streaked around him and arrows whizzed past his head.
The troll roared, and retreated down the hillside slightly. The demigods followed it, attacking as one force now. They pushed the troll back to the bottom of the hill and it roared in anger.
Suddenly, three other hulking shapes lifted out of the strawberry patches, cloaking enchantments melting off of them in furls of steam, and lumbered towards the campers. My gods, Nico thought. There's no way we can fight that many.
"Retreat!" Percy yelled, waving his sword towards the barrier. The demigods began to sprint back to the safety of the camp.
Of all the times to have a "that-time-in-Tartarus" flashback, now was really not ideal. Nevertheless, Nico's mind worked against him and the Laostrygonian incident came crashing back into his head.
By the time he composed himself, and realized what was happening, it was too late. A large, hairy hand closed over his face, and he heard several people call his name. The last thing he saw was Will running towards him, before he was hit on the side of the head. And everything went black.
this plotline is horrific, i'm sorry.

fix you - solangelo
Fanfictionset after Blood of Olympus. nico's being oblivious, will's being obvious, and percy's just trying to help. i'm bad at writing descriptions and this is definitely not as artsy as the cover (which isn't saying much). thanks for taking the time to read...