Chapter 13

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Will, Percy, and Reyna had stopped traveling for the day and settled down in the tents Reyna had brought with her. Honestly, Percy and Will hadn't done much preparing for this quest, but Reyna, luckily, had thought of everything. 

The sky was clear that night, so Will had taken off the cover of the tent and looked up at the stars through the mesh top. He couldn't seem to sleep, and there was something bothering him. They had been traveling for a few hours already, but they hadn't met any monsters. Not one, not even a nymph or water spirit. Normally, Will would have preferred it this way, but it wasn't normal. They weren't even trying to cloak their scent, and they weren't attracting any monsters. Will wondered where all the monsters were. As long as they don't attack us, Will thought, turning over on his side. As he fell asleep, though, he knew he was being too hopeful.


Nico woke up with his head pounding and his hands shaking after more terrible nightmares. Being in this place seemed to make his nightmares even worse then they had been when he was at camp.

Nico knew he had to escape. If he didn't, he'd be sacrificed to some monster-guy thing and the camp would be destroyed. He wondered if Camp Half-blood had sent out a search party to find him. He doubted it, though. I'm such bad person, why would theyNico reminded himself

He managed to stand up; luckily, his feet weren't bound. Even that simple action tired him slightly, and Nico leaned back against the wall. He could feel its warmth through his jacket. Wait, warmth?

Nico turned and looked at the wall. It looked normal, no special lights or vents or anything. Just a gray, concrete wall that had definitely been cooler when last he was awake.

Nico's head pounded harder.  What was going on? He turned again and began to walk slowly towards the door. After reaching it, he tried to open it behind his back. He got a good grip on the handle, but the door was locked. Nico cursed and sat down beside the door. He would've given anything for his sword, but it was nowhere in sight.

He must have been swearing loudly, because he heard the click of high heels on the floor and a few seconds later, Kakoa opened the door and poked her head into the room. She caught sight of Nico sitting by the door and came to stand in front of him.

"Oh look," she crooned. "You've moved."

Nico glared at her. "Where's my sword?"

She clicked her tongue at him in disapproval. "Don't ask trivial questions, dearIt's irrelevant now. You won't need it."

Nico frowned. "Let me go right now. And don't call me dear."

Kakoa laughed. "Silly boy, of course we can't do that." She smiled. "We still have to perform the sacrifice. But don't worry, there are only a few more hours left. Then we can continue our plan."

"What plan?" Nico asked, struggling to his feet.

"The plan to raise Moralvo," Kakoa said. "And, to take over Camp Half-blood."

Nico smirked at her. "You can't do that, there's a barrier."

Kakoa smiled triumphantly. "That's what Moralvo is for."

A trickle of doubt worked its way into Nico's mind. Could this Moralvo person really lower the barrier? Nico looked at Kakoa, trying to see some sign that she was lying, but she seemed confident.

"Oh, don't look so worried," Kakoa said. "We're going to have so much fun." 


Next chapter has some fluff, yay! :) Also, almost 1.8k views and 88 votes, thank you soo much!! Sorry its short, next one will be longer, I promise.


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