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excuse any mistakes 💕.


nayeli omisha sinclair.
detroit, michigan.

( na-e-luh
oh-me-sha )

nayfineass 4m

" I like to be fucked like a sluttttt , comere daddy lemme eat up!! " Jaliyah sung, swerving into Taco Bell drive thru

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" I like to be fucked like a sluttttt , comere daddy lemme eat up!! " Jaliyah sung, swerving into Taco Bell drive thru. " That nigga texted you sorry yet? "

" This song make me feel sexy. " I did my lil dancey dance in the seat, yeah I ignored her question.

Fuck she gone do .... make me answer it? Puhhhhh I'll like to see her try it the fuck.

" I— bitch I know you ain't just ignore my mutha focking question. " She reached in the backseat an grab her purse knocking me upside the head with it TWICE. " Don't be focking rude. "

I fake held my head acting like I were in pain. " Are kidding me!! "

" Don't be fuckin— I can't take me seriously. " We both busted out laughing staring at each other.

I looked up just now actually realizing where we were. " What made you think after smoking I would wanna some goddamn Taco Bell bra? " I asked, shooting Jaliyah a stank face.

Bitches get in the driver seat and think they control everything— wait .... I'm bitches as well.

" Lemme get a uhhhhhh number 6. Make da drink an starburst slush— you want something? "

Uhhh duh bitch.


" Y'all know I'm sorry right? And like I didn't even mean to say that shit ... y'all ain't mad at me right? " I nervously scratched my neck waiting on a response from one of them.

Black glanced over at me, mug stamped. " I was never mad. I've had worst shit said to me Nayeli. "

" You tell me to die again on ya hoe ass mammy grave ima do you one. "  Tana replied after stuffing spoon full of lucky charms into his mouth.

Saint was nowhere to be found— that's how it's been lately.

He comes over along with Jigga , they called themselves ignoring me. Oh and acting like I don't live or even breath the same air as them. I was use to Black acting like I wasn't here but not my bitch Tana.

Tana has been my backbone since forever. Like I had to say sorry to them. Like I just can't have them mad at me for some bullshit like that.

Saint could actually die for all I care. He was doing way to much and I don't like that in a nigga. Plus all he had to do was say sorry, dassit dassal.

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