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excuse any mistakes 💕.


8 years ago.
bay city, michigan

" ... momma , do you love me? " I questioned, playing with the blue barrett hanging in my face.

Momma looked away from the table full of white stuff. Momma say that's her medicine but my big brother Tana say that's some bullshit.

Looks like snow to me .. look like big pile of snow.

Parting her lips unsure of her answer. Nyeri, my other big brother came in with Tana right behind him.

Momma frown noticing how late it was. They both ignored her stare nyeri headed up stands and Tana pulled me into the kitchen with him.

" What you do today other then stare at that hoe all day? " Tana grabbed the box of cap'n crunch's.

" Actu—


nayeli omisha sinclair.
detroit, michigan.

Black smacked his lips mugging keyisha, his irking ass baby mother.

She always do this pop up shit once every three months talm about we don't fuck with her son but BITCH you don't even allow me to come see or pick him up when I even call.

I am for one not a deadbeat ass auntie. Auntie Nay love ALL the kids, ima big ass kid myself da fuck.

Tana stuffed a spoon full of cereal into Paris month ignoring the loud mouth standing in front of him; " I put a lil holy water in this cereal, now you won't be one of those. " He pointed up at Keyisha shaking his head in disgust.

Keyisha neck swung in Tana direction; this fool was waiting for her to say something out of the way knowing ima take up for him ... LIKE EVERY other time.

I lost count how many times I do whooped keyisha ass. Growing up Black always had me fighting girls and she was the main one.

" Key, look just bring him over here more an— " She stomped her foot moving her long damn near pale ass neck my way. Balls? ... baby done grew some balls I see.

Smacking her lips and ignoring my words she looked back over at Black.

" Look, he's been getting in trouble Nyeri ... I thought I could do it by myself but that's what I get for trying to prove a damn point huh— "

" Ha ya think. " Tana butted in making her roll her eyes.

" I'll drop him off later you keep him til the Monday after next? " Black only nodded.

He had nothing to say since he been asking to get his child for periods of times. He already knew about his demon seed. Kasani ,his son, was my brother ALLL over again.

" Ima go pick him up from school after I get his thing pac— "

" He got stuff here just bring him and his medicine. " She nodded leaving right back out the way she came in.

" I just don't see how somebody that bad could birth your demon seed. " Black rolled his eyes picking up Paris after feeling her tug at his pants leg signaling him to pick her.

" We was young soooo I raw dawg her ass. "

I know he ain't just quote a boosie lyric.

" Saint on his way over he— "

I didn't even allow him to finish his sentence I literally ran out the door. Lucky I was on my way out anyways cause a bitch would've been out of luck.

I seen his ass pulling in once I was half way down the street. I ain't tryna get beat up today.


saintbx 23m

( use your✨imagination ✨)

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( use your
imagination )

I busted completely out laughing. Is this my apology?

WARRR who da fuck even say that anymore? Sooo corny but sweet ... still corny ass fuck.

" Stevie wonders? Yeah that's me. " Tana peeked over face all in my phone.

Paris baby ... I'm so sorry this had to be your daddy. Auntie baby I'm soooo sorry.

" That nigga funny as hell. He was just ready to Ike yo ass ... now it's war behind you . Starting to think you Ike ... you be beating on my homie? " Tana made a ... weird face also looking serious as hell at the same time.

Smacking my lips I rolled my eyes at this damn fool, " No but when I do try to hit him I try to knock his ass clean da fuck out. "

Tana opened his mouth but quickly shut up smirking. Before I could even ask Black and Kasani walked in leaving the door wide open behind them.

Kasani was gone for sure gone give dese hoes trouble. He had a doll like face with pretty grey and green eyes, Carmel smooth skin with that long curly hair.

Keyisha is full blown Dominican so those pretty ass eyes he has was all because of her. Everything else was Black you could tell that is his son from face to personality.

Mean ass niggas.

" Stop fucking mugging nigga. " Black smacked Kasani exposed neck area.

I stood up snatching him away from Black reach mugging. " Nigga don't hi— "

And before I knew it I've been caught lacking, somebody ran up behind me and put me in a goddamn head lock.


It's me making a long chapter fa me 😌

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It's me making a long chapter fa me 😌.

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