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excuse any mistakes 💕.


nayeli omisha sinclair.
detroit, michigan.

Saint smacked his lips leaning against the wall full of baby shoes. " This baby barely gone wear these damn shoes. Why the fuck you gotta get some many? "

" My niece will be in nothing but the finest and newest things. Who cares if she ain't gone wear them that many times? "

This fucked boy smacked his lips AGAIN. "You wasting my fucking time. "

" Nay, on yo daddy grave im about knock yo head off your shoulders! HURRY UP!! " Black plucked me in the back of the head mugging.

Tana stood up yawning. " Yeah bring your ass bro. I'm hungry as fuck. "

I walked over to the counter and sat all four shoes on the counter. After what felt like forever a worker came from the back, bitch was smiling hard as fuck.

" Is this all for y'all today? " She asked staring straight at Saint taking the money Black was handing her for the shoes.

Saint wrapped his arm my neck pulling me into his side completely ignoring the girl.

I hate going places with fine ass niggas. Hoes don't know how to act when they see them.

She rolled her eyes looking over at me mugging. She threw the shoes into the bag before damn near hitting me in the face with the bag full of shoes.

I opened my mouth to say something but was beat by Saint. " Bitch, you betta hand her that bag with respect. I'll really bat ya in ya shit about ha. "

" Lil ole me? " I smiled pointing at myself. He ignored me still mugging the girl.

She rolled her eyes handing me the bag NICELY. YEA BITCH!!

Saint sized her up one more time before turning the both of us around heading towards the exit.

" UGLY BITCH ! " Tana knocked a whole three rows of shoes on the floor.

Black sighed. " Can't take black people anywhere. " He mumbled speed walking pass the both of us.

He ain't neva lied.


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nayfineass HAPPY BIRTHDAY TETE BABY 🥺🥺🤎! My baby done turned 1 on you pussy ho's 🤪! Paris, Tete love you and I will see you tomorrow. 💘 @prettyassmf tell my baby I said happy birthday 😒!

hoesluvtana don't post my child EVER agin 😒.

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" The baddest bitch out here. " I stuck my tongue out posing. Poonie busted out laughing, Lay only stared. She still mad about some dumb shit.

How can you get upset if I don't want to be in a relationship yet? I told her from the jump that I wanted to take things slow.

Cayden really did break my heart even if I didn't like him that much.

I like Lay but I'm just not ready to redo that relationship shit just yet. I'm loyal to her already so that's not the issue I'm just not ready.

" Why you staring at her like that? " Nisha, Poonie lil cousin, asked Lay.

Lay rolled her eyes turning her back towards me.

" Mine your business c— " *boom*

It happened so fast. Blood spattered everywhere— all over me .... only me.

My eyes nearly fail out of there sockets watching her body fall directly onto me.

I jumped to the side not wanting her dead body to touch me. I'll regret that later.

She laid out on the ground looking lifeless— she was dead already. One bullet to the skull.

I looked around seeing people running and screaming. My attention was brought to a man standing in front of a black van with a black ski mask.

He stared at me and I stared back. He raised his hand up and wave.

" NAY! "


7 seven murders in my hometown, tell dem bitches I DID DAT - Top🏕

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