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excuse any mistakes 💕. ( I ain't prof read this I'll do it later 😭 .. )


nayeli omisha sinclair.
detroit, michigan.

" It goes like this , when I do my dance money FIGHT! " I paused slowly turning to the side so I could do the next step , " these niggas throwing bands ... J mutha fucking T I— "

Paris snacked her lips beating the shit out of her head, " Yasss hoe knock some knowledge into that big mutha fucka. " 

" Bitch fuck you. " She mumbled throwing her bonnet at my face. Rude ass bitch.

" NAYYYYY ! " squinting my eyes tryna get a good look at who was yelling my name but failed horribly because of the bright ass headlights this mutha fucka had.

Black nudged my shoulder glancing down at me, " That's your illegal ass boyfriend car dummy. "

I rolled my eyes skipping my happy ass over to the passenger seat. Leaving Paris to fend for herself around Black hoe ass.

" I hate you bitch. " Paris mouthed to me with Black AND Tana in her face, obviously Tana was just being nosey but we all know Black was spitting nothing but game.

Nigga been tryna get in Paris draws since eighth grade. Paris being Paris she denie his ass EVERY time.

But I just wanna know one thing ... how the fuck do Black get all these hoes, except Paris hoe ass.

I to this day don't know HOW this nigga get hoes, like I know he talk to them but ... how. Do he smile at them or do he growl?

I just needs to know cause yes I've heard him spit game and the nigga a pro at it but what kinda facial expressions this nigga use?

Saint glanced over my body then face with low hooded eyes, obviously high as fuck.

" What you been on foe ? "

Rolling my eyes I picked at my freshly done set, " Who da fuck is foe. My junkie ass mother ain't name me dat Sai— "

" Don't call me Saint. Knowing you don't call me dat shit Nayeli. " aggressive much?

" Yous a fucking lie SAI-AHHH UNHAND ME PLEASANT! " I screamed from the top of my lungs while my short ass legs and arms dangled while I was softly but aggressively being choked.

See I ain't with this choking or " smack me please daddy " bullshit. It's just like not for me. Like I ain't judging nobody cause who da fuck am I to do that? the baddest but that's besides the point.

" You gone stop calling me a pleasant mutha fucka? " Saint grunted out .

When ima do that? " When satan starts celebrating Christmas in hell, I'll think to think about it babes. "

" I should really blow ya brains out ya fucking head. "

" You should do it. "

" I really should. "

" You should. "

It felt like hours of us sitting their having an damn stare off. Until he got tired and finally let my neck go.

I straightened my shirt with my beautiful niece face on it giving Saint stank ass the side eye.

I'm suppose to be teaching kids how to dance at my sister baby shower . I'm surprised my daddy ain't came out here yet.

Saint asked, " Who that yellow nigga is? " clutching his gun. BOYYYYYYYY

I pretty much jumped in his seat tryna see who da fuck he was talm about . And I seen two yellow niggas. My daddy and my sister boy friend.

" Which one? "

" Boffum. "

" Ahhhh, you being nosey now young man. " I dragged patting his head like he was my pet or something. Just to piss him off like I always do. But he was too busy tryna see who the fuck was at my house.

" Ohh I see what's up. "

Nodding his head he leaned back into his seat with an unpleased look.... do he think I'm being disloyal? We not even in an relationship though.

" What you see young man? I see two niggers. Shine some light on a fellow bad bitch please! "

Shaking his head he chuckled, not your happy chuck doe. It was his evil ass one.

" Uht Uht th— "

" I gotta be somewhere . " am I being kicked out?

" am I not welcome ? Hmmmm? " He nodded looking me dead in the eye. Hurt? Beyond.

But ima bad ass bitch so I got out not before smudging him in the face then throwing my middle finger up also.

" Be mad all you won't Saint I don't c— "

Saint eyes nearly popped out his ass once my entire body with limp back into his passenger seat.

" Oh shit nay! "

That was all I heard before my body jerked two more times. Was I being shot? In board daylight? what the fuck.....


I've had this chapter just sitting here for an while now

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I've had this chapter just sitting here for an while now. let's finish this book up so I can publish my youngboy book🙂.

Ps; four days later still ain't publish this chapter , 🤎

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