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excuse any mistakes 💕.


detroit, michigan.

" You don't love me anymore? " Lay pouted propping herself up onto Nayeli's stomach.

Nayeli didn't say anything. She only eyed Lay petite Carmel body— she loved it.

It was soft and everything sat up just right. Nayeli wouldn't say she didn't love Lay cause that would be a bold face lie. Nayeli loved her like a friend but she only continued to entertain Lay for the sex.

Lay was really obsessed and willing to give Nayeli her body for the love she craved.

Lay grabbed Nayeli's hand placing two of her fingers into her mouth. She laid back some placing Nayeli's fingers on her clit moving them into a circular motion.

Lay threw her head back letting Nayeli take control. Nayeli raised up some sliding her fingers into Lay.

" WAI—" Lay moaned placing her hand onto Nayeli's wrist.

Nayeli ignored her pumping her fingers in and out of Lay.

" Can I cum? " Nayeli rolled her eyes.

" Ain't nobody tell yo ass you couldn't. "

She bit her lips starting down at Nayeli the whole time making weird ass face. Nayeli curved both of her fingers speeding up her pace.

" I-I hold i-it an—" Lay whispered cumming on Nayeli fingers and stomach.

Nay busted out laughing pushing Lay off her. Lay stood up ignoring the weird feeling in her legs.

She pulled Nayeli to the end of the bed and without warning her she began to tongue fuck, Nayeli.

" Go Faster! " Nayeli demanded staring down at her.

" Shhh. "


nayeli omisha sinclair.
somewhere in detroit.

" You like these? " Lay asked holding up a pair of pink checkerboard Vans— old ass shoes.

I nodded looking back down at my phone. I was currently texting my cousin and lil sister.

#ftk crew 🤞🏽🤎

my 🤎 who is this fine ass nigga in your bed Nay? 🤨

what nigga? 🧐

lele💕 there's a nigga in that evil bitch bed? 😵😵😵

my 🤎 gorl yes and he sexy. 😏

lele💕 I don't believe it send a picture!!

Jaliyah, fuck you.❤️

lele💕 anytime bae 😏.

my 🤎 If he ain't yo nigga I'll definitely take him. 🥵

my 🤎 all these tattoos 😍😍😍😍. his lips look sooooo good ughhh 😩😩😩😩!!!

Awe that's Saint.

He more than likely hiding from
his sister, just leave him alone.

He beat women, do not

my 🤎 does he gotta rihanna 😏?

lele💕 BITCHHHH 😭😭😭

that ain't it chief.

" Who you texting? " Lay asked, snatching my phone from out of my hand.

Bitch ...

" Gimme my phone. " I calmly told her.

She frown scrolling through god knows what. " Who these fuck is nigga and this hoe named lele? "

I stood up snatching my phone back putting it into my back pocket.

I hate being questioned especially by a mutha fucka that I don't even like for real.

" That's my Lil cousin and those my hoes, back up. "


How y'all feeling about Lay? 🧐

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