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excuse any mistakes 💕.


detroit, michigan.

The cool fall breeze smacked Nayeli right in the face as she slowly stepped foot out of the car.

She calmly walked over to where everybody else was at and didn't say a thing.

She didn't understand why she was so down. She been seeing people die right in front of her since the age of nine.

So she ain't really understand why was she so torn up about Lay's death.

Saint walked over towards Nayeli staring at her for a second. Black watched from a distance— he's always watching but nobody would know that tho. He make sure of that.

" You good? " Saint asked stuffing his hands into his pockets.

He knew what it felt like when you lose somebody your close with— he done lost everybody he's close with in one day before so he definitely knew how it really felt.

Nay looked up at him and stared. She thought about how she knew nothing about Saint and been around him for years.

All she knew was he was some light skinned rude ass dude that hang with her brothers. She didn't know nothing else.

Saint looked away growing uncomfortable under her stare. He hated being stared at— it made him nervous.

She lowly chucked looking down at her red converses— Lay brought them for her when they were at the mall last time.

" I'm not okay but ... I'll be okay. " He nodded blankly looking over at her.

" Death is normal ... soon you'll get use to it, and won't feel anything. "


" PUT YOUR PAINT BRUSHES DOWN! " Tana yelled stopping the stop watch.

Saint and Nay both put there paint brushes into their individual cups full of water, looking up at Tana.

" Saint, show your work to the judges. " Tana told him tryna sound educated.

Saint turned his painting around towards the judges— Poonie, Kianna, and Black.

Tana gave them ten minutes to write the score on there mini white boards

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Tana gave them ten minutes to write the score on there mini white boards.

" Raise your Boards. " Tana nodded staring at the boards. " All tens and one nine. Will Nay beat him? Hmm ... We'll find out on the next episode of Hood Art Adventures. "

" I'm your host Tana and I hope to see you next time on Hood Art Adventures. " Tana stared into the imaginary camera smiling. Everybody watch him act a ass— laughing.

" Ha got cha bitch. Nay, show your work to the people honey. "

Nay stood up turning her painting towards them confidently— she knew hers looked good.

Poonie stared at Nay painting shocked

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Poonie stared at Nay painting shocked. Everybody but Black and Tana were surprised. They knew Nay had talents and one day she would finally show one of them.

" Bitch where you learned to paint at? " Poonie asked in shocked. Kianna nodded writing a ten on her board.

" Right. You ain't never told me you knew how to draw or anything. " Kianna added

" Don't talk to my contests, hoes. " Tana pointed at the both of them mugging— playfully.

" Boy fuck you. " Poonie muttered rolling her eyes.

" Huh? " Tana put his hand behind his ear frowning. " Aw I thought a bitch that nibbled on my balls said some. "

" Nigga, back to the game. " Kianna said changing the subject back to the game— laughing.

" Raise your Boards. " Tana glanced back at their boards." Well slap me on the ass and call me a slut. Nay white ass wins the game. "

" You just be saying anything. " Saint laughed standing up. " I'm finna head out. Ima text you later." He mumbled the last part to Nay. Tana heard him tho— Tana didn't say anything but he listened closely.

" Alright. " Nay replied.


I like this chapter ... I love family fun chapters. 😩😩

Thank y'all for 4K reads 💘.

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