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Chapter 7

Third person POV

A few weeks later

Jungkook and taehyung had become really close over the past few weeks, sharing a deep regard for each other. Jungkook still received notes from his secret admirer, but the younger doesn't have a clue of who it could be. Taehyung on the other hand watched the younger from a far as he would fangirl over the letters, making him smile fondly.

The younger hasn't told anyone but taehyung about his secret admirer, taehyung on the other hand was planning on confessing to the younger. Right now, jungkook and tae were walking to school, jungkook took out the letter and started reading it aloud, to the elder.

"Dear bunny,
I finally have gained enough courage to to tell as well as to show you who I am. Come to xxxx park at 3. I hope to you see you there bunny.

Love from,
Your secret admirer,"

"He wants to meet me?" The younger boy asked confused, "Are you not happy?" The elder asked while trying to read his mind. "Well-I....I kinda like s-someone," jungkook said with a blushed face, the elder one again tried to read the younger mind. It was blank, he went completely silent.

Who could jungkook like? Taehyung thought to himself, "Who?" The elder asked a hint of jealousy in his voice. "I-I I- ...... y-you know t-that person," the younger said covering his flushed checks with his hands. The elder bit his lip trying not show his jealousy, he felt his whole world crash down.

He felt like crying but didn't want to embarrass himself in front of the younger. They both arrived at school and walked to their class, no word were exchanged. The elder was heart broken, he didn't talk to the younger for the whole of the lesson making the younger one worried.

Jungkook on the hand was curious as to why taehyung had started behaving cold towards him all of a sudden, class soon ended and it was lunch time. The younger grabbed onto the elders hand for taehyung to jerk it out of his grip. He started walking off, to the canteen leaving poor jungkook behind.

Jungkook watched the elder walk away as the younger felt his eyes swell up with tears, tears slowly dripped down his cheeks. He quickly wiped them away and walked to the cafeteria to see his friends and taehyung sitting in the corner.

He put on his bunny smile and walked over, and sat down. Even though the younger tried his best not show how sad he was his quietness gave him away. Jimin quickly caught on and was staring at the younger intensely, "Jungkook can I speak to you for a moment," Jimin said making the younger look up at his with a stuffed face.

Taehyung wasn't gonna lie, jungkook looked so cute. He wanted to smile but he cover his mouth, preventing anyone from seeing. The younger nodded and soon got up, him and Jimin walked out of the cafeteria as the rest watched from afar.

With jikook

"Kook, what's wrong?" Jimin asked looking at jungkook, jungkook bit this bottom lip, staying silent. "What's wrong?" Jimin asked again, "N-nothing," he replied softly, Jimin crossed his arms and looked at him. The younger once again felt his eyes fill up with tears, he looked at Jimin with teary doe eyes, making the other worried.

Jungkook hugged Jimin and started crying on his shoulder, Jimin patted his back, trying to keep him calm. "What's wrong kook?" Jimin asked softly. "S-so I have this s-secret a-admirer an-" "You have a secret admirer?" Jimin asked shocked.

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