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Chapter 8

Third person POV

Taehyung walked to xxxx park and sat on a bench, he grabbed his forehead and started to cry. "W-why?" He spoke in a broken voice. "Why can't y-you love me back," taehyung asked himself, he felt like giving up on jungkook. "I-if I truly l-love you.." the elder began.

"I-I'll be happy f-for you," taehyung said looking up at the sky while tears ran down his pale cheeks. "I love you jungkook," he said smiling looking up at the sky. "I love you too taehyung," said someone from behind him. Taehyung looked back too see jungkook looking like a mess.

He looked like he had just ran a marathon, jungkook continued to cry as he stood behind the elder. Taehyung got up and faced jungkook, while tears kept running down his cheek. "Y-you love m-me?" Taehyung asked while pointing to himself.

Jungkook nodded and ran to the elder, engulfing him in a tight hug as he cried on his shoulder. "I l-l-love you s-so much," jungkook said while looking up taehyung with teary doe eyes. More tears started to spill from Taehyung's eyes as he leaned down and connected their lips.

The younger froze in his spot, eyes widened. A soft pink light surrounded them as taehyung pulled the younger closer to him by waist, kissing him passionately. He started nibbling at jungkook's bottom lip, jungkook hesitantly opened his mouth, welcoming Taehyung's tongue.

Taehyung pushed his tongue in tasting the younger ones mouth, jungkook moaned in the kiss as his hand clenched on to his t-shirt. They pulled away in need of breath. Taehyung looked down at jungkook, he glided his thumb towards the younger cheek caressing lightly.

"W-what just happened?" Jungkook asked confused, the elder smiled a bit. "You love me right jungkook?" Taehyung asked wanting to confirm, jungkook smiled and nodded his head. "Promise me you will not leave me after I tell you this," taehyung said as his voice cracked a bit.

"I will never l-leave you, I love you too much," jungkook said while pouting, taehyung took a deep breath. "I'm a cursed vampire," he said as he stared into jungkook's eyes, there was no sign of discomfort whatsoever making taehyung confused.

"Really?" The younger asked excitedly, taehyung nodded. "Wow! That's so cool!" Jungkook said jumping up and down in his grip, "And sexy," jungkook said under his breath. Taehyung heard it and leaned closer to the younger, "You think I'm sexy?" Taehyung asked as he slowly caressed jungkook's back.

Jungkook hummed quietly, he bit his lip slightly while he looked back at the elder. Taehyung leaned to jungkook's ear and whispered in a husky voice, "Let this sexy vampire claim it's mate." Jungkook froze, "D-didn't you s-say you were c-cursed?"

"I was, until I kissed you," taehyung said looking at him, the younger got flustered and hid his flushed face in his chest. "You know that mirror in your room?" "Hmmm," the younger hummed. "I was banished to that mirror, I basically lived there," taehyung said smirking, jungkook looked back confused.

"You know all those times that you have changed in that room," jungkook's face immediately became a tomato, he hugged taehyung tightly not wanting to make eye contact with the elder. "I'm not gonna lie, you have a very sexy body," taehyung said as his hand made its way down to jungkook's ass squeezing it.

Jungkook whimpered submissively, turning taehyung on. "Come...." taehyung said before they teleported to a near by hotel. Jungkook looked up at taehyung nervously as taehyung smirked at him.

Taehyung pushed jungkook on the bed hovered over him, he went to jungkook's ear and whispered in a deep voice, "Let me claim you my bunny." Jungkook whimpered, taehyung took it as a sign and started kissing down his neck to his sweet spot.

Jungkook let out a low moan and repositioned his neck exposing his venerability in front of the vampire. Taehyung started softly sucking it before his sharp teeth pierced through his soft skin. Jungkook grabbed onto Taehyung's shoulder and let out a painful whimper.

"T-tae," he called out desperately, tae sucked a little bit of his blood before coming up to see the younger with hooded eyes. "This mark right here," Tae said as he glided his slim fingers over the mark, "Classifies you as my mate," he said as he looked down at the younger.

"Meaning your mine," he said in a whisper.....

I will write the smut tmr, and hopefully try to uploaded it tmr but if not Tuesday
Thank you for reading so far :)

Peace out ✌️~


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