Like Mother, Like Daughter

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A beautiful girl with brown eyes and bronze hair
Her mother is unaware; her daughter thinks she wouldn't care,
She is crying at night, scars under her sleeves;
However they won't ever compare to the scars nobody ever sees
She writes while she's young and dying to be free
"Soon" she says, "it will all be nothing but a dark memory."
Wandering down halls, a bag on her shoulder, thoughts in her head
The bells chimes while she walks and tries not to be mislead
She wrote words on paper, the ones dancing around in her head
She wrote to heal, to bend and to mend;
All she wanted love, but got none and cried the ocean instead
Why was the that so hard for others to comprehend?
She wrote to find love; she needed imitate care
Sadly writing comes from the soul; And hers only possessed a feeling of empty
So she writes of misery, of sorrow, of death and despair
As life moves on, she barley has time to gasp for air
She's a mother now, has a beautiful baby girl
She resembles her slightly; At least resembles her soul
Blonde hair and bright blue eyes,
She watches her grow, not knowing she'll only be fifteen when she dies
Older now, she can't remember and fails to see,
How her beautiful daughter has issues;
Like the ones her own mother failed to see
Just like the way she used to be,
Scars hidden on and under her pale skin
Trying desperately to live with nothing within
The little fair headed girl is now fifteen,
Alot like her mom, only inside, she's not as strong
The mother doesn't know how big her daughter will soon sin
When writes a goodbye letter, telling her how she just couldn't win
She doesn't know about the pain her daughter now feels
The pain she felt for years and years
However, the remnants of her pass resurface as she stares,
Stares at the lifeless blonde beauty;
The daughter who also thought,
That her mom didn't care
Her mother knew now,
how much they were alike,
Except her daughter was weaker,
more fragile and was now stolen of life.

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