gravity 3: stone bridge & stone god

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"Sen-chan, breakfast is ready!"

A yawn escaped his lips as the scientist made his way downstairs. With Aunt Atari gone for business in America, his childhood friend opted to sleep over his place. His dad wasn't there either so it was the most logical option anyway so Senku didn't mind. Besides, the breakfast Tenma makes was to die for so who was he to complain?

"Oi, peaches, you won't be at the lab today, right?" Senku sat down at the head of the dining table, ruby red eyes flickering towards Tenma who placed a plate filled to the brim in front of him. As much as he loved her cooking, just looking at the amount of food caused him to make a face of grimace. "Sheesh, I'm not lacking on the food department. Take some of these away."

Before the scientist could reduce the amount of food on his plate, a smaller but definitely tougher hands slapped his hand away before he could touch the place. "Sen-chan, uncle told me you've been drinking energy drinks... only. It's my job to feed you properly. Besides, you're the only one I cook for. Don't be such a bum."

You're the only one she cooks for. The telltale signs of embarrassment was covered by the collar of his lab coat and he thanked whoever it was who designed such clothes in the past. If it weren't because of them, Senku wouldn't have been able to hide what exactly he was feeling. To her, he showed a facade of someone immovable and strong.

If she found out he gets all flustered just like any other normal teenagers, she would probably tease him to no end at first before doting on him more and more as if he was her little brother. Just the thought of being treated like that sickened him. As if  he would ever settle for that. However, he really does need to get enough courage to tell his feelings. Hell, he'd been thinking about it since middle school but he never confessed. At all.

So he ended up mocking the admirers who always get rejected; although, he does give them ten billion points for being brave enough to tell their feelings. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Text me if you're going to come home late."

"I will, Sen-chan."

The almost domesticated air around them made Senku sank in the comfort of his chair. It might have been a simple wooden one but he didn't deny how comfortable it was in that moment.




If Senku hadn't deduced the fact that Taiju might come barging in and announcing his arrival with a loud shout, the flask in his hand would have fallen and made a mess of the lab. "I've decided today's the day! That I'm going to tell Yuzuhira these feelings I've had... for the last five years!" Even without looking, the scientist could see how the rest of his club members reacted Taiju just now.

They probably took him for a fool.

"Oh? Well, well... now that is something I'm quite interested in, indeed. I'll be cheering you so loud that my vocal chords might tear... in the science clubroom, that is." In contrast to the words he spouted, Senku's expression never changed from its disinterested state.

"Oooh! Thanks a ton, Senku!"

If Tenma were here, the scientist was sure she would be giggling uncontrollably by his side at this moment. "Ugh, shut the hell up already. As if I'd give you a millimeter of cheering, you great big oaf." While he was acting as if he didn't care, Senku reached out to grab a florence flask from his table, an almost villainous look marring his face.

"While you haven't said anything for the last five years, which is completely irrational, I'll give you a method so rational and sound it'll knock you off your feet." The scientist held out the flask towards his muscle-head of a friend. "By having you release pheromones, you'll drive your ability to stimulate her to the extreme. In other words, it's a kind of live drug. If you drink this, it'll be ten billion percent in the bag!"

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