gravity 5: reunion & separation

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Senku wondered what kind of misfortune he had for these stuff to happen. First and foremost, he was the only one who got de-petrified naturally. Second, Ishibashi Tenma, his fellow scientist, was no where near him. Next, he had spent the following six months doing labor which he wasn't used to at all but a necessary thing for him to do to survive. Fourth, he and Taiju accidentally de-petrified a murderer whose sense of justice was a little bit twisted.

And lastly, they had to flee from their recently built settlement so that they can make a weapon of science. Tenma was missing so it was their only choice to have a chance to face Tsukasa head on. All those events summed up to get where the three of them now. The destination was Hakone where the last ingredient was but...

... it seemed like they were a little lost.

"What's that thing, Senku?" Taiju chirped up beside him. "It's a sextant," Senku raised an eyebrow as he said that. "It's been 35 970 seconds since the sun rose today."

"Did he seriously just spit that out like it's nothing?" Yuzuriha, who hasn't seen Senku do that much calculations, glanced at the scientist in disbelief. "Senku counted to one trillion seconds while he was petrified, so something like this he could do in his sleep." The muscle-head of the group looked oddly proud as he said that. Yuzuriha couldn't help but giggle.

"Ah, but this one is practically made out of garbage so its accuracy is garbage, too. Unfortunately, this garbage is all we've got to navigate with. Right now, we're around Kamakura. Though, I'd really like to know our precise latitude and longitude." The scientist sighed and packed away his sextant, a troubled expression marring his features.

If it was Tenma, he didn't have to worry. She had always travelled all over Japan when she was a kid and remembered every place. The tree that protected Yuzuriha would have been their origin and from there, Tenma could possibly calculate their precise location and point out any area in Japan with the utmost accuracy. Well, unfortunately, she wasn't with them at all.

Damn, we really need Tenma soon. The sooner they find her, the better chance they have of defeating Tsukasa. Though, she probably wouldn't be able to persuade him anywhere but she still has fighting skills that Taiju lacked.

"Landmarks in Kamakura..." Senku quirked an eyebrow when he heard Yuzuriha. "... wait a second..." she suddenly turned around and when Senku followed her sight, a look of surprise crossed his face. "Look over there! For some reason... no trees have grown at all!"

And when they arrived there, a grin threatened to split Senku's cheeks. "Kukuku, now, I know our location. 35°19' North... 139°32' East..!" Right before them stood the statue of Buddha. Even though three thousand seven hundred years have passed, it was still intact despite the damages time and nature did on it.

Taiju exclaimed in surprise when the brunette began to cry. "What's wrong, Yuzuriha?! Did someone make you cry?!" And suddenly, he himself cried in horror when he thought of something. "Was it me?!" But she shook her hands, denying his accusations. "No, I'm not crying! Well, I mean... I am crying... but it's not like that, Taiju!"

Calmed down, she turned to look at the statue with a look of nostalgia. "I just woke uo today... and somehow, nothing has quite felt real... but seeing the Kamakura Great Buddha here... it made me realize that this is really Japan... and that thousands and thousands of years had passed by... and suddenly, I couldn't help thinking about my mom... and my dad... and everyone."

Her thoughts began to run down memory lane and it stopped when it reached the last person of their group.


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