gravity 9: denser than a rock

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Besides, what the fuck was that about taking the world together? Did she really understand what those words meant? Fuck this, you're gonna be the death of me, with a whole ten billion percent certainty. "Well then," a fake cough from Kohaku saved Senku from exposing himself as he and Tenma glanced at Kohaku. "In that case, first, you should get that Chrome guy."

"Who's that?" - Senku

"Chrome? That's a cute name." - Tenma

Almost instantly, Senku stiffened up yet again. Maybe we don't need that Chrome guy after all.



"Sen-chan, stop bullying them."

"Don't give me that goody-two-shoes act. I know you're laughing at them, Peaches."

The slightest of pouts appeared on Tenma's lips, causing one of Senku's eye to twitch. He really wanted to push her behind him but damn it, why did Peaches have to be just a bit taller than him? He was an average height for a male, around a hundred and seventy centimeters but his girl just had to be a few centimeters taller.

Bubbles kept forming as Senku blew into his fingers, a substitute for that little toy so he could make them. So what if he had fun watching that Kinrou and Ginrou people run around like little children, trying to pop every single one, but ultimately failing in the end? Senku was pretty sure even Peaches found it a bit amusing to watch.

"Make them bigger, Sen-chan." See? This girl even had the nerve to act like a goody-two-shoes when she finds this fun, too. The scientist rolled his eyes, although there was a hint of fondness in them. Whether she becomes annoying or bratty or moody, as long as it was her, Senku was sure he would do anything peaches say. Goddammit, stop being so cheesy, Senku!

"We can't do a thing to these jewels! Even if we try to stab them, they just multiply!" The blond youth exclaimed, catching Tenma's attention. "There's no choice... I'll have to use my secret technique!" Tenma anticipated something cool but the youth ran away instead. What a dork. Her shoulders trembled from trying to restrain her laughter.

Afraid that she might hurt someone's ego, she hid behind Senku and chuckled under her breath. The leek-haired scientist's lips twitched when he heard his childhood friend laughing behind him. Who said Peaches was a goody-two-shoes? Just look at her laughing at someone! Though, he really was just irritated that someone managed to get a laugh out of her.

"Oh, don't be alarmed, Ginrou—" a new voice joined, making Tenma peek behind Senku, her peach-colored eyes blinking. "— I've been watching from the shore! That's why I came rushing over! I'm the genius... sorcerer! Yo, I'm Chrome! And I'm about to blow your mind!"

"..." - insert Tenma and Senku sharing a glance before erupting into uncontrollable laughter.

"Yeah, yeah," said a chuckling Senku while waving a dismissive hand. "Sure, buddy. We're Senku and Tenma the Scientists." The scientist introduced themselves, even pulling Tenma out from behind him. He was low-key showing her off. Even if they grew an interest in her, as if Senku would let their interest become something even more.

All he had to do was scare the shit out of them like he did with her previous suitors.

Just thinking about those neanderthals made him sick. But back to the point, Senku wasn't afraid of anyone trying to steal Peaches from him. After all—

"He's kinda cute."


— what the fuck did she just say?

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