gravity 12: tenma, the prideful girl

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Manga chapters: 24, 25, 26



A crowd of villagers surrounded the first ever ramen stall in the Stone World. Sounds of satisfaction came from several people and they couldn't help but get themselves a second, a third, a fourth bowl! Serving them each ramen was none other than Ishibashi Tenma.

"This seriously makes me wish I had something to drink~ Like a cola!"

Ishigami Senku paused from handing out another bowl of ramen. That didn't sound like Peaches nor was it something she would say. After all, carbonated drinks upset her stomach.

Noticing something amiss, Kohaku turned towards the scientist. "Is that one of your friends, Senku?"


A certain someone had just finished talking with the elderly when she noticed the tense atmosphere behind her. "Kohaku-san?" Tenma blinked, only for her to catch sight of someone. Huh? Isn't he... Asagiri Gen? She had heard about the mentalist from Tsukasa when he had joined a tv show before.

Kinrou, Ginrou, and Kohaku surrounded Asagiri Gen, the tip of their spears pointed towards the mentalist's neck.

"Hmm," Asagiri Gen hummed, the breeze blowing his hair. "Getting tied up by a cutie like you might not be so bad, but I think Tenma-chan would do a better job, don't you think so, Tenma-chan?~" The mentalist shot the peaches with a smile.

Catching sight of that, Senku frowned and took a step in front of Peaches in an attempt to hide her. However, when he recalled how Peaches was a few centimeters taller than him, he grew a little annoyed.

"Ack— Sen-chan, your hair entered my mouth."

Senku: "..."

Gen: "..."

The trio: "..."

I was trying to protect you but you had to burst my bubble, Peaches!



A stick poked the exhausted mentalist on the cheek.

"... Tenma-chan, can you stop poking me? It's starting to hurt."

"How do you know my name, Asagiri Gen?"

Gen wondered if this girl was trying to mess with him but once he glanced at her clear peach eyes, it was clear that Ishibashi Tenma forgot how famous she had been.

Ishibashi Tenma.

The girl... who tackled down a fucking murderer and subdued her with ease.


He remembered seeing it in person. At that time, Gen had yet to become a famous mentalist. He was just a simple fifteen-year-old teen, name yet to be known in the country.

It was just like watching a movie of a young heroine doing heroic deeds. Subduing evil and exacting justice. The young Ishibashi Tenma appeared like a superhero to save the day. But that superhero... was a little twelve-year-old girl that Gen wondered if he suddenly transmigrated into a world of fantasy.

That little body of hers contained such explosive strength that it impressed Gen.

"Tenma-chan, you underestimate your popularity."

Tenma who had been confessed to not only the boys and girls in her school but also from neighboring schools: "..." Am I that popular that people I don't personally know, know me?

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