gravity 7: peach child & leek child

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Yagami Atari didn't like children. In fact, she detested them.

Back when she was in high school at her lowest, a group of children insulted her without filter. They shouted it to the whole world and Atari almost gave up then and there.

What was the point of living when no one, not even herself, acknowledged her own worth? Not her parents, not her relatives, and most definitely not her so called friends who knew nothing but abuse her. Atari wasn't the type to speak up, always keeping to herself and her emotions bottled up.

She thought that one of these days, she would just snap.

But then, that woman arrived in her life and introduced herself as Ishibashi Hatsumomo, a woman whose eyes resembled the colors of peach fruits. Her eyes glimmered with that pink and pastel yellow colors that Atari couldn't help but focus on them.

"Hi!" She remembered the woman smiling like the sun. "I'm Ishibashi Hatsumomo! But you know, you can call me Momo nee-san!"

Atari blinked before a wave of disbelief hit her full force. What did she just say? Call her nee-san of all things? Just who did she think she was to be all buddy-buddy with her? Hatsumomo must have seen her look affronted because the peach-eyed woman began smiling in a sheepish manner. "I guess kaa-san never told you."

And that day, a woman by the name of Ishibashi Hatsumomo barged into Yagami Atari's life like a wrecking ball.

Apparently, Hatsumomo was the first born and only child of her mother's from another man who passed away several years ago. Atari's mother never told her anything and she probably never told her father either. How and why Hatsumomo even sought her out was beyond Atari's understanding.

Hatsumomo bought a place for herself, a whole entire house, much to Atari's surprise. When she asked the older woman, her half sister, what her job was, she said that it was a secret. Of course, that made her pout whereas her half sister messed up her hair.

Maybe having someone else around wouldn't make her dive too deep into her thoughts where it was difficult to get out.



Yagami Atari disliked children so when Hatsumomo told her that she was pregnant, Atari had thrown her a look of aghast. Her half sister had the gal to cackle like a madman when she saw her expression.

"... you're seriously pregnant?"

"Yup! Children aren't all that bad, you know, Ata-chan."

The college student rolled her eyes at that, memories of when she had been in high school flashing through her mind. The annoying sing-song voice of those children rang inside her head over and over and over again.

But she snapped out of it when Hatsumomo smiled at her with that never-changing beaming face of hers.

"I'm sure you'll love my Ten-chan!"

"... Ten-chan what?"

"I already thought up a name for them. Whether they're a boy or a girl, I want to name them Tenma."

"Why Tenma?"

Hatsumomo paused at that and the smile Atari had grown fond of slowly disappeared, replaced with a look of deep thought.

"... because my child will definitely be true to themselves."

Atari didn't know what to make of that. She didn't understand what it meant and her half sister never said.

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