gravity 14: 99th story of the Hundred Tales

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Manga Chapters: 4045



Ishigami Senku encountered the most difficult problem in all his years of living. It was even more difficult than researching the components of the Revival Fluid.

His girl was mad at him.

She was definitely mad.

And this time, Senku didn't need to delude himself.

Peaches was jealous, he was sure of it.

"... Peaches."

A soft snort came from his girl, causing his blood to freeze. Although he and Peaches often had disagreements in the past when their views clashed, it had never been this bad. Most of the time, Peaches would still speak to him. This time, however, she barely even looked him in the eye.

"Peaches, you know I only did it for the booze."

Kohaku: "..." You sound like a drunkard.


Her cold response almost made Senku cry. Almost.

Gathering all the courage he could muster, Senku didn't even care if they were in public. Well, if that Big Oaf could do it, I'm ten billion percent sure I can do it, too, right? "Tenma!"

The surrounding villagers ceased their whispers, eagerly watching the show with varying degrees of interest. The most excited, however, was Kohaku. She had been watching those two pining for each other these past few months that even she, an outsider in their relationship, grew frustrated.

Upon hearing her name being called out, Tenma paused in her steps but still didn't look at him. Ishigami Senku sensed his hands trembling in nervousness. This was far more terrifying than when they had to collect sulfuric acid a few days ago, dammit.

While Senku was trying to articulate himself, Tenma furrowed her eyebrows.

"I'll be at the lab," she said all of a sudden. "Go do what you have to do right now." Without even waiting for any replies, Tenma left.

The courage Senku managed to gather dissipated the second Tenma disappeared from sight. The scientists watched with helplessness as Peaches slipped through his fingers just like that.




Asagiri Gen was lounging around the lab, waiting for Senku and the rest to come back. Much to his surprise, the first person he saw was Ishibashi Tenma. Although he admired her like an idol, he felt a bit weary being in the same place as her. Without anyone else around, Gen's thoughts went astray and he couldn't help but think—what if he said something wrong and Tenma-chan just snapped his neck?

Phantom pains struck his neck, and Gen raised a hand to caress it.

"Tenma-chan, didn't you just go there? Why are you back so quick—eh?"

Frantic, Gen caught Tenma who fell forward all of a sudden. The mentalist was never a hard worker in terms of improving his physique.  So, when the martial artist fell, Gen was brought along and both of them hit the ground. The mentalist rubbed the back of his head, surprised by what happened.

Ah? Cold sweat? Stunned, the mentalist oriented Tenma properly, making her lie on her back. Her skin glistened under the sunlight due to sweat. When he touched her forehead with the back of his hand, he hissed.

Not because she was hot.

She's eally-ray cold!

Gen had a suspicion that he knew what was up. Silently asking the deities for forgiveness, Gen gently nudged Tenma on her side. The second he saw a patch of red on her clothes, he quickly made her lie back down, acting as if he hadn't done anything.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2023 ⏰

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