gravity 13: senku, the dummy scientist

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Manga Chapters: 26—40


Gen wondered if getting beat up until he was halfway to his death was in the job description when he became a mentalist. He certainly did not expect to get attacked last night nor did he expect for Tenma-chan to be so cold-blooded. Recalling the way shadows enveloped that girl in the foliage while he was getting beat up, Gen could not help but laugh.

As expected, a girl who could subdue a murderer would not be someone simple.

From that short moment, Gen already made a profile about her.

Ishibashi Tenma.

A young prodigy who learned martial arts in a blink of an eye. Though Gen knew her love for science, her brain worked differently from Senku's. Unlike Senku's brilliance in the field of science, Tenma shone in the field of martial arts. From an interview he happened upon once, Gen discovered that Tenma had the ability to break down each and every move of her opponent in a blink of an eye.

Though she only got famous from one heroic deed, people began searching for news about her. That was how Tenma's fame spread across Japan.

Of what he knew about her, Gen added the words cold-blooded under her profile. Despite the fact she could show such a warm persona, Gen had eyes that could read someone on a deeper level. And Tenma was obviously the typical type of a two-faced person. The mentalist could tell that she was only friendly because Senku was around.

Every time the scientist looked away, her warm smile would turn unfeeling. No, not cold, just unfeeling. Like a doll who could express nothing. That kind of smile seemed so eerie that although Gen treated her like an idol, he wouldn't dream of liking her in a romantic way.

Which he found Senku to be quite admirable.

To tame such a person like Ishibashi Tenma was a miracle in Gen's eyes.

And to think Tsukasa-chan made an enemy out of Tenma-chan. Although he was running through the forest, heading back to Tsukasa Empire—instead of feeling hot and exhausted, Gen only felt the chill biting his skin and the numbness in his arms.

Compared to Tsukasa and Hyoga, he felt that someone like Tenma, who could watch someone else get stabbed without even batting an eye, was more terrifying. In the first place, any person would subconsciously want to save someone they were acquainted with, right? Even if they didn't have the power or courage to do so.

Yet, Tenma remained unmoved, as if she was watching a movie.



"I found a primitive village! I got into a fight, and got a little hurt it seems. But there!"

—if I were to pick between the Tsukasa Empire and the Kingdom of Science—

"Senku-chan was not anywhere to be found. He's dead~ there's no mistaking it!"

"And Tenma-san?" Was Tsukasa's question.

"Tenma-chan... is nowhere to be found. To be fair, you said that Tenma-chan and Senku-chan are incredibly close. I suspect that she went very far to avoid the place where Senku-chan died, no? Perhaps she's searching for a place to bury her little lover."

—even without Senku-chan, I'll definitely choose the Kingdom of Science.

Who told Tenma-chan to be so formidable?



When Suika brought back the news behind the Asagiri Gen Murder Case, Kohaku glanced at Tenma from the corner of her eyes. If, and only if, Magma didn't mistake Gen as the outsider sorcerer, then that muscle head would be on the brink of death right now. After getting to know Tenma more, she already had a bit of grasp about the older girl's personality.

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