gravity 11: Senku, the cheesy scientist

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Ishibashi Tenma was never a kind person.

If she was, she would have several close friends and people she would willingly interact with other than friends and family, right? For as long as she remembered, she only had Auntie Atari, Uncle Byakuya, Sen-chan, Tai-chan, and Yuzu-chan. Yuzu-chan was one of the most recent friend she made and that was thanks to Tai-chan. If he hadn't introduced her, Tenma wouldn't have befriended her on her own accord.

In Tenma's words, "Strangers are people I have nothing to do with. If they don't harm my interest, why should I bother?" Of course, she kept those words to herself. She wouldn't want Sen-chan to know how different she was from the bubbly Peaches he had come to know.

As for Tsukasa, if she hadn't agreed to take up the role of his tutor, she wouldn't have had anything to do with him, right?

In short, Ishibashi Tenma didn't make friends unless she had no other choice.

So, when Sen-chan said that they would start with making antibiotics for Kohaku's sister, she didn't understand why. She only went with the flow because Sen-chan decided on it. If Sen-chan said so, then it must be important, right? After all, his decisions had always been significant. He wouldn't do something that would not benefit anyone.

"Peaches, what's going on inside that head of yours," a finger poked the temple of her forehead in a soft manner. "Have you been listening to me?" That exasperation written all over his features made Tenma's heart tremble. However, that same friendly smile remained on her lips, the smile she often showed Sen-chan.

"Of course I have," she said with a chuckle. "We're going stargazing with Chrome and Kohaku-san, aren't we? Since Chrome wants to know more about the world that science ruled."

Sen-chan's eyebrows furrowed but a hint of amusement laced his lips. No matter how many times Tenma looked at him, he was just as perfect as the day she fell for him. "So, what are you still sitting there for?" He extended his hand towards her.

Tenma stared at it, her peach-colored eyes. For a moment, she went into a daze before reaching out. Sen-chan pulled her up, but it was mostly her getting back up on her feet. Even though Sen-chan had been in this Stone World for half a year now, Tenma could tell that his physique was still as weak as ever. Should I teach Sen-chan basic self-defense? At the very least, the incident with Tsukasa would no longer repeat.

Sen-chan was brilliant but that didn't mean he was brilliant in everything and all the time.

After all, he could have gone looking for her first, right?



Ishigami Senku discovered that Chrome possessed several blocks of magnets, which meant they could finally start gathering the materials for the antibiotic. However, now that he stood by the river, he encountered a problem that he had no solution to.

"Sen-chan!" With a magnet in her hand, Peaches waved it in the air, a blinding smile curved on her lips. "Do you want fish for lunch?"

The tip of this scientist's ears slowly turned red and the back of his neck almost looked burned from how flustered he was at the moment. He placed a hand over his nape, hiding that telltale sign of embarrassment as he replied to Peaches, "Anything will do." Lookawaylookaway I can't let her see my nape! He had hidden this from her for years, he wasn't about to let the cat out of the bag, okay?!

But why did she have to wear a two-piece? In any case, I should have told Chrome to catch the fishes and let Peaches do the cooking. In that way, I wouldn't be this much of a mess! How many times has he been to the beach or the pools with Peaches? He could only count them on one hand.

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