gravity 6: things i do for you

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Ah, she'd probably... look ugly if she cried...



"Listen, Senku," his old man knelt down, holding him by the shoulders. "Yagami-san said something about our little Tenten." Seven-year-old Senku furrowed his eyebrows. Our? Since when did peaches become theirs? "And it's something not even little Tenten knows about."

Not know about? Senku inwardly scoffed. There was nothing his fellow science enthusiast didn't know about. He hated to admit it to anyone, especially to her, but out of all the kids around his age, she was the only one who could keep him on his toes. Other kids were just... normal. Besides, he hated talking too much to people he didn't want to interact with.

That and having someone understand him with just a few choice of words was something he was glad about. "So? What's up with peaches?" Senku crossed his arms and waited for this surprising news he was about to hear. "Well, who said I was telling you?" An irk mark popped on his forehead when his old man answered with that.

"You're the one who hyped me up!"

Ishigami Byakuya laughed out loud, and that laughter grated on Senku's nerves. "You're her friend so you figure it out."

"Stupid old man." Senku clicked his tongue as he stormed out of the living room. Now that his mind was fixated on that thing that peaches didn't know about, the scientist couldn't stop wondering what it was about. He wasn't some kind of detective. What did his old man expect him to do? Investigate whatever that was just like some old detective? Sure, both professions involved investigating but Senku didn't really want to pry into someone else's business unless it was related to his own work.

"Tch. I don't even care a millimeter about her business. Why am I so worked up?"

Unbeknownst to him, Byakuya snickered to himself, knowing that Senku wouldn't be able to stop himself from being curious.



Hey, peaches, I wonder what Byakuya knew about you that I didn't know about.



Despite those thoughts of his, Senku had faith in his friends. This wouldn't be the end. Science still hadn't made a comeback after three thousand seven hundred years and he still haven't found Tenma, after all. That girl was probably still thinking right at this moment, reciting all the knowledge she accumulated back in modern time. He wondered what she would first say to him. Ah, then again, he already knew what she would say.

After more than three millennia stuck with nothing to do but think, there was a possibility that Tenma had mentally written down a long list of those lame pick-up lines she often used on him. Well, he called them lame but some of them did make him kind of flustered. Whoever gave Tenma that idea, Senku would have made that person his lab rat. He didn't even care if it was someone of authority.

Ever since she used them on him, he began falling deeper into the trap known as love.

Some times, he found himself staring into those peach-colored eyes, thinking how such a color was a possible.

Wait, Senku furrowed his eyebrows. Am I seeing this right? There, kneeling down beside him, was a girl whose peach-colored eyes were clouded by hope and sorrow. Eyes swollen from the tears she shed, nose red after sobbing for so long, and the very sight of those two things caused his chest to hurt. "If you three keep crying loudly like that, it's a ten billion percent certainty that Tsukasa would be able to locate us so stop crying already."

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