gravity 4: true heavens & thousand skies

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"Shape it carefully with a harder rock, trim the edge with maybe a slim stone or a pointed stick that's strong enough to scratch rocks

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"Shape it carefully with a harder rock, trim the edge with maybe a slim stone or a pointed stick that's strong enough to scratch rocks. Repeat the process until the desired sharpness and shape are reached." Ishibashi Tenma repeated the steps over and over again, talking to herself as she crafted the head of a spear she was making. It was already early afternoon.

The moment the sun peaked over the horizon, Tenma trudged down the nonexistent road to search for a water source. After shelter, clothes, and fire, the next thing she needed to secure was water. Since the body was made up of about seventy percent water, it was necessary to keep herself dehydrated lest she experienced headaches, cramps, nausea, and the worst case scenario was dying from thirst.

Food could be set aside for now.

Water was more important. Fortunately for her, it had only taken her the entire morning to stumble upon a river, west from where she built her shelter. The moment she had stumbled upon the body of water, she threw away her dignity and got an all fours, and lowered her head into the water. The coldness hit her full force and her body that was overheating cooled down considerably.

If she was a moment later in discovering her water source, it might have been the end for her.

Once done with making a stone age weapon, Tenma ended up lying on the ground. Both arms had already become sore from making a single spear. "I can't believe I'm doing all the manual labor. If it was back then, Tai-chan would have already helped me with this!" A frustrated scream echoed in the area.

Tenma really had to praise her ancestors for having the right amount of patience to build everything from scratch. If it was her two million years ago, she would have already given up an hour after she started.  Has it always been this hard to do things without the aid of technology? She had nothing but her brains at the moment.

The teen literally had to make everything from scratch.

Peach eyes flickered to the clear sky, only a few wisps of clouds drifted by. If Tenma ignored the fact that she was dressed in nothing but leaves, she would have thought that she had just fallen asleep back in that countryside. "Three thousand seven hundred years had already passed... yet my mind still hadn't wrapped around that idea. I still feel like I'm in a dream but that was illogical. If it was a dream, I would have woken up the moment I submerged my face into the river."

A sigh left the brunette's lips. "It's already surprising how I'm not panicking." Just hearing herself talk to no one but her own already appeared as if she lost her mind.

Honestly, the things grounding her to reality were her family and friends. Tai-chan wasn't the type of person to just give up when he still has unfinished business. Now that she thought about it, wasn't Tai-chan supposed to confess to Yuzu-chan on the day that weird light petrified everyone?

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