Chapter I: The Meeting

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The first of Septembre always has been a stressful moment for any students across the UK, no matter if they were muggles or wizards, they are all returning to school.
But the first of September 1991 was a special back to school for all the Hogwarts students.
Of course, first of all that is the year when Mister Harry Potter, also known as the boy who survived, came to Hogwarts for the first time. But let me tell you another story about that year and some other students you might not know.
Four students from all the four houses, a friendship that was not planned at all but now they find each other.... And they cannot escape.

1 septembre 1991 Hogwarts Express, two students went to the only empty cabin, the cabin number 6 but there were already two other people in there. They barely noticed them but one of them was sitting next to the window and looking at the landscape through it.
She had a book on her lap, it was open but she didn't seem to read it , it seemed that she was lost in her own thoughts.
She had long black and shiny hair. We couldn't see it now but she also had a bang that was falling in front of her emerald green eyes. She had golden tan skin and a button nose.
She was wearing a necklace with a green aventurine stone but it was impossible to see it because it was under her wizard robe .
The other girl was sitting next to the door of the cabin, she also had a book but she was reading it.
She had mid-long wavy hair with an indescribable color, something between ginger and brown. She had freckles and compared to the other girl her eyes were brown and a skin less tanned.
The wavy haired girl had a moonstone necklace around her neck.

As soon as she saw the two students entered in the cabin number 6, the wavy haired girl started to smile a little before saying "Oh Hello."
The first one to answer was a pretty young man who had brown hair with an undercut and green eyes.
"Hi everyone, what are your names ?"He asked.
He was pretty tall compared to the other students in this cabin and seemed kind of relaxed too. He had an aquiline nose and pale skin.
We were also able to notice some cat hair on his clothes.
The black haired girl didn't react at all, the girl who was reading was thinking at this moment "she is surely a Slytherin".
"Uhm ...okay... and the others ? " said the boy a bit frustrated .
"I'm Lynah Adams !" answered the wavy haired girl with a proud face, " and you?".
The boy answered with an haughty attitude,
"Matt McGonagall."
Finally the girl who remained silent said something,"Uhm ... there's also someone related to the Hogwarts teacher here-"
When all the faces were turned on her she realized that she had done."Oops I spoke out loud." But then Lynah immediately said,
"Don't try to fake it- Snape-"
"A problem Adams?"
"Not at all,"replied Lynah.
The two girls were staring at each other-
It looked like they were trying to see who looked superior there. The others had thought at that moment that the two girls might know each other. After all, Lynah knew the black haired girl's name.
"Anyways- it's the time to present myself, I'm Anna Snape,"said the black haired girl.
"Well hello Snape ," said Lynah with a hypocritical smile.
"Nice to meet you Snape,"said Matt.
The last student in the cabin seemed to say something but stayed silent.
She had long black hair with a bang, pink highlights and light brown eyes. With the sun lights, her eyes were almost golden. She had cute round glasses and a toad on her elbow.
The other students were staring at her and she was staring at the other too- it was like she was actually waiting for them to talk.
"What is she doing?"asked Lynah, kinda perplexed by what was happening.
Then the girl realized that she was only speaking in her mind.
"OH SORRY I was wondering why no one was hearing what I was saying !" said the girl while laughing.
"Oh she's speaking."said Anna ironically.
"Congratulations," said Lynah while laughing too.
"Yes Snape- sometimes I talk !" said the girl who hadn't presented herself yet.
"OH AND- I'm Elsie T-"
"Yeah Elsie Trelawney I already know it of course," Interrupted Lynah.
"HOW DO YOU KNOW MY FAMILY NAME AND HEY I THINK YOU ARE A BIT ANNOYING !" After saying that, Elsie was sulking in a corner of the cabin while listening to what Lynah was saying.
"Well first of all I'm already many months ahead of the learning schedule so ... please lower your voice tone when you're speaking to me and your witty humor and- let's say your strange habits... it made me on the right way to guess your family name..."
Anna was watching the scene with a scornful look.
Matt was already annoyed by the puerile behavior of the girls.
Lynah laughed while saying this to the young boy, "I'm pretty sure you're a Gryffindor !"
"How do you know?!"said Matt sarcastically.
"And actually a reminder...My grandma, Minerva McGonagall, has been teaching me magic ever since I walked for the first time so I'm better than anyone here! " said Matt with a proud smile on his face.
"Who do you think you are McGonagall for talking like that?" said Elsie who was a little bit hurt by the boy's words.
Suddenly, Anna reacted after hearing the three young wizards, "Well I'm Severus Snape daughter also known as the master of potion of Hogwarts and one of the best if not the best one Hogwarts never had and- I don't show off myself like you all."
The wavy haired girl was going to take back her book when she said, "you're all kinda like "cliché"of your houses." Then she decided to not talk again, what a nonsense for her to talk with what she considered, not a highbrow person.
Matt had also decided to not talk anymore because of the stupidity of the conversation.
Anna also was annoyed by this conversation.
"You're all talking about houses but we're not even at Hogwarts yet and the Sorting Hat has not even said something right now, it's completely ridiculously annoying ." she sighed. "you're all some annoying children-"
Then she whispered, "If only I was with Draco right now everything would be better." Eslie replied, "Isn't he that arrogant blondie boi?"
"How dare you to say you find him arrogant without knowing anything about him !?"
"Did you know him at least?"
Lynah was no longer concentrating on the book but at the two young girls who were arguing and started laughing.
Anna replied kinda flustered and irritated about what Miss Trelawney said, "I'm Draco childhood's best friend of course I know him, I've been so many times in the Malfoys' mansion so yeah!"
After that conversation everyone hoped they would not be at the same house and for the rest of the way to Hogwarts, the cabin 6 remained silent for the next hours.

Few hours later, all the first year students were standing in front of the sorting hat.
Everyone was really stressed about that moment. Professor McGonagall asked the famous boy who survived "You Know Who" to sit in the chair in front of everyone . All of the students wanted Potter in their houses but like his parents he ended up in Gryffindor.
After him, that was the turn of our 4 young wizards.
"Matt Drew McGonagall,"said the professor with the same family name.
Everyone was shocked while hearing the boy's name, and Matt- he was proud, maybe way too proud that his grandmother gave him a cold look.
The tall boy understood what she wanted to say without a single word and made himself smaller. He placed himself on the chair hoping to be a Gryffindor of course.
"Uuuuuhm- I see, I see bravery, strength,an incredible determination at all levels, chivalry too and you are daring-" said the Sorting Hat.
"I have no choice of course to put you in...
Everyone applauded and Matt was already gone at the Gryffindor table.
Two Three Years Gryffindor welcomed him,of course that was Fred and George Weasley also known as Hogwarts' trouble makers.
Lynah was proud about guessing the boy's house.
"Anna Eileen Alana Snape !"Said McGonnagall.
Everyone was gasping when they heard the name "Snape", of course Anna already knew the reputation of her dad at Hogwarts and she knew that so many people would hate her for her dad.
But she didn't care at all , she was not her father and even though he had a bad reputation among the students, he was completely different with his daughter.
When the Sorting Hat was placed on Anna's head, Professor Snape became way more attentive about what was happening.
"I see so many ambitions, proudness ...You're also cunning with so many resources and some leadership too ...YOU'RE A SLYTHERIN OF COURSE !" said the Sorting Hat.
All the students, professors and Anna herself weren't surprised at all about the results. Professor Snape of course was proud of her daughter.
She placed herself next to Draco Malfoy; they both smiled knowing they would spend the next 7 years in the same house.
The next one to be called was Elsie Trelawney but when she walked through the Great Hall she fell in front of everyone.
She quickly gets up and waves at her mother, Sybill Trelawney.
"HEY MOM, that's my turn! " said Elsie.
All the other students were laughing and Professor Trelawney replied, "Hi sweetie good luck !"
Everyone was thinking she must be a Ravenclaw because her mom used to be in this house in her days as a Hogwarts student.
When she sat on the chair, Professor McGonagall put the Hat on Miss Trelawney's head and he said,'' Loyalty, kindness, friendship and family are the most important thing to you, you're honest and- a little bit clumsy.... HUFFLEPUFF !"
Everyone was shocked, no one absolutely NO ONE, excepte Lynah of course, thought of that. Elsie was the first one to be surprised by it and even asked, " Wait are you sure? Can't we change it and be a Ravenclaw?"
"No." said the Sorting Hat. "You belong to Hufflepuff ...".
Elsie said a little bit mad ,"I'll burn you stupide ridiculous speaking hat..."
Professor McGonnall took back the hat and Elsie left the chair to go with the Hufflepuff.
And finally the last student to be called was Lynah Adams. She was really anxious about the results and really hoping to be a Ravenclaw. There were plenty of students that she considered smart and better than the others .When the hat was put on her she knew it was her moment, she tried to not look anxious at all.
"Clever, creative... you have wisdom and you are original and you're very very curious... no doubt... RAVENCLAW!"
She almost jumped off the chair and walked at the Ravenclaw table, to the other houses she was showing out herself a little bit too much.
"I don't really like her...", said Anna.
Anna didn't really like people in fact but she didn't really hate her at that time but she knew that a competition would grow between them.

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