The café double date

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Shelby and Sapnap walk to the café as it was only a 5 minute walk there, soon after they had left Shelby got a text from Clay saying: y'all almost here? Shelby replies while walking: yep were a few minutes away! In doing so she trips and Sapnap catches her before she falls over, Shelby thanks him and they both blush. They walk into the café and spot Clay and George automatically as George brought his stupid "clout" goggles. Shelby looks at Sapnap and Sapnap looks at her then they look at George and laugh, the go and sit at the table with them. Shelby jokingly asks "George why the stupid goggles?" George looks hurt, Shelby instantly regrets it and apologies "George I'm so sorry I...I didn't...know" George stays silent. Shelby's gets up to leave as she feels bad but George sees that and says "it's fine you didn't know, I know it was a joke" Shelby makes sure he's alright as she feels terrible.

When they order what they want the waiter comes over and accidentally trips and spills boiling tea over Shelby. In panic of Shelby getting hurt Sapnap takes his hoodie off and tries to dry up the hot tea all over her jeans. Shelby says "hey you didn't need to do that I couldn't gotten myself cleaned up, y'know?" Sapnap disagrees and blurts out "dude I do not care I love you and I didn't want you to get burnt" Shelby's shocked at first and then says "it's alright, I love you too" They get another tea free of charge and the waiter apologies for the hassle. Clay speaks up since he's been quiet for some reason "it's alright" by this time it's 5:30pm they all decide to head home for the night.

Sapnap and Shelby walk home hand in hand by the lake that Sapnap and Clay used to hang out at when they were kids. They look out onto the lake seeing all Lilly pads and wildlife in the pond. Shelby asks Sapnap if he wants to take pictures at the lake with her, he agrees and they take a few pictures by the lake together. They talk about posting them on instagram and twitter later into their relationship and they both agree. Sapnap trips and this time Shelby's the one to catch him. "Fuck" he says looking at his hands, Shelby grabs his arm and says "Sap what's up bubba?" "I didn't wanna look bad in front of you" he admits sheepishly. "It's alright mistakes happen, your still the same person even if you fall over" she takes his big hands in petite ones and their all scraped, she sighs "let's get you home and cleaned up then" They get to Sapnaps house at around 6pm and walk in Shelby explains what happened and says she's going to help him clean up his mum gives her a warm smile.

—After Shelby helps Sapnap clean up—

As it's only 6:15 Sapnap decided to stream, Shelby comes over mid stream to watch him not realising he was doing a face cam stream until the chat started shouting "Shelby!" Shelby giggles loud enough so the microphone picks it up and smiles "hi chat!" She says. After 4 hours of streaming, swapping between casual minecraft and minecraft but he duels Shelby (she uses Sapnaps old laptop) he ends the streams as it's around 10pm.

Shelby goes and takes off her make-up, washes her face and brushing her teeth. Sapnap let's her have her own space to do so and then he does the same, then the crawl under the covers snuggled up to each other and started to watch Netflix.

// Authors note //
This one had more of a POV on Shelby and Sapnap rather than Dream and George and I think I might keep it this way. I feel comfortable saying that Dream and George are together in the story but I don't want to make too many dnf (dreamnotfound) references as I'm not as comfortable writing stuff about that, sorry!
(618 words)

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