Part 11

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Shelby woke up and grabbed her phone to check the time "god it's 11pm" she whispered under her breath. She pulled the covers off of her and walked over the her bathroom and opened the door. As she was brushing her teeth her phone started vibrating. She finished brushing her teeth and went back to grab her phone. "George called, huh" Shelby phoned him back "Shelby can you come to the park quickly ?" George asked his words came out panicked "I'm on my way now, I'll text my parents to let them know" she hung up and texted her parents that George had to talk to her about something and she'll be back soon.

She threw Sapnap's hoodie on and then quickly and quietly walked down the stairs throwing her shoes on and unlocking the door. She stepped out into the cold and as it hit her face she let out a gasp. She arrived at the park to see George sat by himself on the swing set, she walked over and George looked up at her with tears in his eyes. Shelby sat down in the swing beside him until George finally said "we got into an argument" Shelby glances down and then looks up at him "George I'm sorry that happened, but have you spoken to him about how you feel ?" She questioned. George shook his head.

Dream's POV
"Dude I fucked up he's gonna hate me, he left and everything" Dream says to Sapnap while tearing up. Sapnap just frowns as he's not great with conversations like this. "Listen dude I'd say phone him instead of me and apologise for what happened and then talk things ou- Sapnap was interrupted by Shelby texting him. "George and Shelby are at the park if you wanna go see him and I'll come with you if you want ?" They agree both boys hanging up and meeting at the park.

Shelby's POV
"There coming over" she says to George and he nods. "George I- I'm sorry for what happened I shouldn't have reacted that way" George glances up to Clay and then at the ground "I'm sorry too, we both kinda overreacted." They smile and walk away hand in hand. Shelby takes Sapnap's large hands into her smaller ones, "hey your wearing my hoodie" Sapnap says while holding in a giggle. "Congrats dumbass you want an award for noticing ?" Shelby replies sarcastically, Sapnap just frowns until he picks Shelby up from the waist and then throws her over his shoulders and carries her back to her house. "There you go, m'lady" Shelby giggles and kisses his cheek and says goodnight. She quietly opens her door and goes up to her room and climbs back into her bed and falls asleep.

Sorry it's bad I just gotta get back into the swing of writing this type of story again, as you may have noticed I took down my wilburXreader as I read somewhere that he wasn't comfortable with stories like that and I don't want to overstep any creators boundaries. Thankyou for over 600 reads that's insane
(459 words)

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