Part 14

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Shelby's pov

Sapnap takes Shelby's small hands into his large ones and they head home. Shelby hears someone shout "oi Shelby" she glances round to see Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo. "Tommy hi, what's up" she says back to the blonde boy. "These are my friends Ranboo and Tubbo, there coming round for dinner. mum already knows" he says. Shelby glances between the three and then to Sapnap. "mum also says we've to walk home with you and Sap" Shelby groans "fine then" she says while frowning.

The group of five walk down to Shelby's house. She turns on her heel to Sapnap and smiles up at him. "Hey why don't we go out for dinner tonight, a date" he whispers to her. She blushes and brings her head down. She goes onto her tiptoes so she can reach Sapnap's ear "yeah sure, i'd like that" she whispers back to him.

Sap walks off with his hands in his pockets and the silly grin that fifteen year olds have on their faces when someone asks them out.

Shelby opens the front door and walks in to see her parents standing at the kitchen island. She smiles at them and then takes her shoes off and walks over to them. Shelby hugs them and then says that she's gonna go on a date with Sapnap later on.

She makes her way up to her room and throws her bag on the floor and flops on her bed. About 10 minutes pass and she sits up and takes off her uniform and puts it on a hanger, she grabs a towel and goes into the bathroom and locks the door. She turns the shower on and waits a few seconds for it to heat up. She steps in and washes her hair and body.

She steps out of the shower and grabs a towel from the towel rack and wraps it around herself. She walks out into her bedroom and picks her phone up.

sapnap <3
dress nicely
                           why ?
sapnap <3
because it's our
1 year anniversary

            oh yeah, i forgot
                   haha. sorry

With that Shelby turned her phone off and opened her cupboard where her clothes were. "Hmm what to wear" she whispers to herself. She looked through her nicer clothes and picked out a white dress with roses on it that went down to her knees. She grabbed it and went into the bathroom and put it on.

She came out of the bathroom and stood in front of her mirror. She smiled to herself and the sat down to do her makeup, she just did her normal makeup routine.

Shelby picked up her gold star necklace that Sap had bought her as a 6 month anniversary gift.

She walked into her brothers room and seen the three all having a conversation. "Hey Tommy can you help me put this on please ?" she asks tommy "sure, turn around" he replies. She spun round and since Tommy was taller than her it was easier. "Thanks" she smiled at him and walked out of his room and back to her own.

Sapnap's pov

Sapnap walked in from school and flung his shoes to the side. He went up the stairs and put his bad next to his door and texted Shelby to wear something nice as it was there 1 year anniversary. He got changed out of his uniform and turned the shower on stepped in and got washed. Once he was out of the shower he put on a fancy suit that his dad had let him borrow for the night, seeing as it was very special.

He walked out of his room and down the stairs to where his parents and Sammy were sat. "Woah, you look nice tonight, what's the occasion ?" Sammy questions. "Me and Shelby are going on our 1 year anniversary if you must know" they all smiled at him and he picks up his car keys.

He walked out of his house and over to his car and gets in and starts up his car. He phoned shelby to say that he's on his way there and to stand outside. As he drives to shelbys house he sees that she's standing outside with Ranboo, Tubbo, Tommy and her parents.

He steps out of the car and walks over to Shelby. "Wow you look gorgeous tonight" he says to her, Shelby blushes and looks at her feet. He looks over to Tommy and walks over to him "thanks for giving me a chance with your sister" he whispers to Tommy, Tommy just smiled in return. "I'll see you later tonight" Shelby says as the two walk off to Sapnap's car.

Hello !
I wrote this while on holiday and I really liked this part so i hope you enjoyed it !
(785 words)

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