Part 12

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Shelby woke up to the sound of Tommy shouting and laughing. She groaned as she was getting out of bed her alarm rang she hit the 'turn off' button on it. She went over to Tommy's room and knocked on the door. Tommy answered it and let her in "what do you want woman ?" he said as she walked in and sat on his bed "why are you shouting at half seven in the morning ?" she asked tiredly. "Talking with Tubbo and that about meeting up soon, why ?" Shelby just groaned and went to leave Tommy grabbed her wrist and spun her back round "why ?" he said again, this time more sternly. "Because it's half seven in the fucking morning and I didn't want to be awoke by the sound of a screaming child" she responded and walked back to her room. Tommy was stunned "I'm not a fucking child" he shouted back. "Shelby, Tommy both of you be quiet your fathers asleep" their mother shouted.

She grabbed her uniform put it on then sat down in front of her mirror doing her makeup as usual. She stood up looking at herself in the mirror, she smiled grabbed her bag and went downstairs to make herself breakfast.

She put her bag near the door and went over to the kitchen when she grabbed the box of cheereos from the cupboard. She also grabbed the milk from the fridge, a bowl and a spoon. She had her cereal in one hand, phone in the other.

She sat down on the couch flicking through the tv channels and settled on a crime show. (if you don't like crime shows change it, I like crime shows so I just put that) She ate her cereal and watched the tv then cleaned up her breakfast.

There was a knock at the door when she opened it she was greeted with Sapnap, George and Dream. "Come in, I'll just be a few minutes."

The group of three walked in then sat down on the couch. Shelby ran up the stairs knocked on Tommy's door to remind him he had to get ready for school, he got dressed and came down and sat with the others. Shelby said to her parents that they were leaving and they mumbled goodbye. They left for school talking as they walked there.

Tommy ran off to meet Tubbo and the other four stayed with eachother. They sat on a bench waiting for school to start when then head teacher came up to them with who they presumed was a new kid, since they'd never seen him. "Good morning you four" he said, "hello sir" replied Shelby. "This is Ranboo he's new, I'd like for you four to take time out with of your classes today to show him around. I've already emailed your teachers to let them know you won't be in your classes today" they gave a warm smile to the head teacher and Ranboo.

Ranboo's POV
"Ranboo time to get up for school" his mum shouted, he groaned and got up. He sat on the edge of his bed glancing around his room "right a new school you can do this" he mumbled to himself. He stood up stretched and put his uniform on grabbing his bag and glasses.

He walked down the stairs to be greeted by his mum. He hugged her and went to the kitchen to grab some toast. Ranboo plopped down into his kitchen chair and ate his toast. "It's time to leave for school Ranboo" his mum told him. Ranboo got up grabbed his bag and threw it over his shoulder and put his shoes on.

Ranboo opened his front door and headed off to school.

A/N - I wrote this while hanging out with my friend :) (566 words)

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