Part 13

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Ranboo's POV
Ranboo stops at the schools gates, glances at the school takes a deep breath and walks into the main office area. "Hello do you need help ?" the lady at the office desk asks. "Uh yeah, you see I'm the new kid, Ranboo and I'm not sure where to go." She looks at Ranboo then starts typing on her computer. "Follow me I'll take you to the head teacher" as the office lady and Ranboo walked swiftly down the corridor with cream painted walls and a grey-blue flooring. She stopped at the door to what ranboo guessed was the head teachers office area. She knocked and went in explaining how ranboo was new and didn't know where to go "oh by the way his names ranboo" she said as she walked out and pretty much ran up the same corridor she just walked down seconds before.

"So ranboo" he cleared his throat "follow me and I'll take you to a group of people who will show you around the school and where things are" the head teacher said with a smile ranboo smiles back at him.

"Good morning you four" the head teacher say to a group of people, 1 girl and 4 guys. "Hello sir" the girl replies back with a smile. "This is ranboo he's new, I'd like for you four to take time out with of your classes today to show him around. I've already emailed your teachers to let them know you won't be in your classes today" the group nods and with that the head teachers walks off presumably back to his office.

"Hi Ranboo, I'm Shelby" Shelby says to him. Ranboo whispers to her "what are the others names" Shelby smiles "the one with the white bandana around his head is Sapnap, the one with the goggles or clout goggles as we call them is George and the one who has dark dirty blonde hair is Clay" Ranboo smiles at the group.

They all head into the school, "so Ranboo we'll start on this floor then work our way up, then go down to the pe area, sound good ?" Clay asked "yeah that's fine" Ranboo replies. the group stops at the hub area. "Alright this is the hub (canteen), where you get your food and eat it" Shelby says.

"That's us done and it's lunch so if you want you can come sit with us" George says "sure, I'd uh like that" Ranboo responds.

"SHELBY HELP TUBBO, WILBUR AND TOMMY ARE CHASING ME" a voice comes down the corridor in the groups direction. Shelby clears her throat stands up and Tommy, Tubbo and Wilbur all stop in their tracks and look down at her, expect for Tubbo who looks up at her.

"Why were you chasing Niki ?" she glared at them. Tommy looks to the side to avoid eye contact and nudges Tubbo. "OH we... we were playing but we didn't realise that Niki was being serious when she was shouting stop to us"

"So the short brown haired one is Tubbo hm" Ranboo thinks to himself. "Alright so apologise to her" Shelby states. "Sorry Niki" the new group that appeared say at the same time.

The group now consisting of Ranboo, Shelby, Sapnap, George, Clay, Tubbo, Tommy, Wilbur and Niki sat at the table talking and making jokes.

The final bell rang and everyone headed out. Shelby, Sapnap, George, Clay, Tubbo, Tommy, Wilbur and Ranboo stopped at the main gates and exchanged numbers so they could become better friends. just then someone with green hair walked by them and accidentally tripped into Ranboo "shit sorry, wait are you new here i've never seen you around before" the man asked Ranboo "yeah I moved here today, my names Ranboo" the man nodded "Sam, my names Sam" and walked off to catch up with his friends. "you alright Ranboo, that looked as if it hurt ?" Tubbo asks "yeah no it didn't hurt, i'm all good" Ranboo replies with a smile.

hi, so i was finishing up my exams and stuff for school but as of now the 11th of june (it's now the 25th of june i'm sorry, i was changing the wording & proofreading it) i'm now completely finished school so i can spend time focusing on my writing until august when i go to college, hope you enjoyed if your did don't forget to vote, comment & follow it helps promote this story.
(words 666)

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