Monday evening

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Shelby and her brother Tommy walked in the door to their house, Tommy threw the bread on the countertop and went up to his room to play minecraft with his friends Tubbo, Wilbur and Phil. Shelby goes to her room to write out her notes that she missed in the lessons that she had missed during the day.

TIME SKIP - 30 minutes

Tommy keeps shouting and screaming for the past 30 minutes and Shelby had enough of it. She got up and went to her brothers room. "Tommy will you keep it down it down please, I'm trying to catch up on notes" Shelby asks him politely. Tommy looks down at his feet and says to his friends that he'll be back in a few minutes "Sorry Shelby" he frowns. Shelby ruffles his hair and smiles "It's alright just keep it down, who are you even talking to anyways ?" Tommy glances back at his computer and then at Shelby "well um y'know just a few of my erm friends" he stumbles over his words. 

"Can I meet them ?" she questions. Tommy goes over to his set-up, unmutes and says "hey um, are any of you streaming ?" They reply with "no" He hands Shelby the headset. She sits down and sees them on screen and says "hello" Tubbo replies with "omg Tommy actually knows a woman in real life" Shelby glares at Tommy as he walks over appearing on the screen. "Well I'm his older sister Shelby" she says with a smile. Tommy introduces everyone afterwards. "If anything you're the clingy one Tommy" Wilbur says. 

She says to Tommy and his friends "it was nice meet y'all but I have notes to catch up on" They all say bye as she gets up Sapnap joins the call "Sap ?" She asks confused. "oh uh hey Shelby" he looks down. "wait sapnap is this the girl you've been non-stop talking about ?" Phil asks. Sapnap goes red "awe you've been talking about me" Shelby says. He blushes ever harder "shut up" he says while laughing. Shelby goes back to her room and copies the notes that she needed to copy.

TIME SKIP - 15 minutes

"SHELBY TOMMY, DINNERS READY" their mum shouts up to them. Tommy leaves the call and goes downstairs, Shelby closed her book over and heads downstairs. She sets the table and then grabs her food and sits down. She says to Tommy "I didn't know you're friends knew sap" Tommy replies with "don't worry I didn't either" the both break out in a fit of laughter. 

TIME SKIP - 2 hours

Shelby's lying in bed relaxing she decides it time she takes her make-up off she picks up her cotton round and make-up remover and sits down in front of her mirror that's propped up against her blue-ish coloured wall. She takes the dampened cotten round to her face and starts gently taking off her make-up. Once her make-ups off she says screw it and decides she gonna go to sleep early. She brushes her teeth and puts her phone on charge and checks the time 8:30PM it reads. She quickly texts the family groupchat saying that she's going to sleep. Tommy shouts through the wall, "goodnight" and her mum and dad reply over text.

// Authors note //

Hello, hope you're all enjoying the story so far, I'm not gonna wirte another part today as I'm tired but I hope you're enjoying it :D 

(532 words - Excluding authors note and time skips)

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