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🩸 - 2>6>2021


I just thought of something BLOODY GOOD!!

So, calling the attention of Found The Place readers, Anime Recommendations readers, and Peaceful readers, keep your heads up and in that order.


So, for y'all Tsukasa simps are gonna get a horrible ending. 🙂

I placed a poll between me and my friends (cause I'm an idiot and can't decide for myself) and I... and y'all are getting a terrible... terrible ending. I'm sorry.

It's not BAD. But, all you have to know is that... the first book doesn't end in a happy ending... I just thought of it one, early morning and decided to make your guys' lives a living hell of wanting a better ending.

I mean, nothing can beat "I saw a friend today," and all but I'm just saying that... there WILL be good. It's going to be deep. And I... I wouldn't even know it.

So, keep your eyes on the ending of the first Found The Place book. And JA NE to my Tsukasa simps.


Have you ever felt disapointment before? 🙂

Yeah, don't worry, I'm sure you do. Unless you don't have any expectations... but, I'm pretty sure we all have our expectations and dreams and when it doesn't take the cut...

We simply get disapointed.

Anyway, I just wanted to add that in. But, I AM HERE. To tell you that I am trying to find the time to prepare the 2-year long book of Anime Recommendations.

I just think my schedule is a little harsh. And so, I'm gonna make a run for it and make-up the broken dates.

Not now. But soon, I promise you that you'll be getting updates. Some day... some day... JA NE!!


So, Kinny, how did we get here?

Why are you in my Update book when you aren't even going to be updated to a new chapter or... anything else really-?

But, here, since y'all are stacking up numbers like blocks, we're going to be reopening it... soon. Again, I say soon but I don't know when soon is.

Peaceful is going out there... like the ending of Found The Place, the updating of Anime Recommendations, and the new book... I Wasn't There.

Shizzz... that's a lot. JA NE!!

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