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🔥 - 4/10/2021

Can't get off the song out of my head. But, besides that. I want to add in some updates that I have for you today...


I hate the other two ones. So lame. This is where you're supposed to experience all of that. There're still links to both of my old discord servers on the new discord server BUT i refuse to use them profusely. The new discord server is way bigger and way better than the old one, so I'm gonna change all links from those two into this one.

Note that there is no such thing as a link yet (keyword: yet) for this, this um, this new discord server. It's currently in production and y'all need to keep y'all asses down cause it's still in heavy construction. Just wait, ok? There'll be an update chapter, I promise.


Gonna write a story about Nishinoya wherein the reader and... BOOM! Spoilers. Basically, all you need to know that it is not inspired by Your Name. No, it is not. IT IS NOTTT. They might seem closely similar. But, hey, most books are like that. Not everything are perfect ideas.

One spoiler alert though is that ( y/n ) seems like a person who just doesn't care. If I were the one reading, I'd find her character to be annoying to be with but that's my point. Luring people with no taste so that once the plotline begins, it doesn't seem so boring anymore.

Not only does the storyline change, but ( y/n )'s character does as well. ( y/n ) is defined by the story. Doesn't sound like a great plan, but I can assure you peole will read this no matter what. First chapter? Boring. It's all just adventures with ( y/n ) until she figures out something.

C) School

School sucks, man. It may seem easy at first, but in thw end you'll just be tired of the nonsense of it all. It made me think and it doesn't really matter. If I don't really pass anything, then I'll drop out. If I drop out, then what? Look for another school? - My parents hate me. Not that strict but strict and nonsensical enough to drive me insane.

Like, please, help. It's a saturday and I don't wanna do any of my shit today. I just want to rest. So, what? You think I'll be able to do everything in one day? I get it, you get to finish your shit in time, but I'm not able to do that! I can't keep up cause our minds are different.

We are so different to the point where it makes me sick to even think you can imagine me doing everything in one day.


I currently joined a fandom called the MCYT fandom, familiar to most of y'all. But just in case to the people who aren't comprehending this fandom. Care for me to explain.

The lore is BS.

I don't give a rice ball what you say. Fight me. The lore of this thing is compliclated. And I dare not to enter it. I'm only sitting on the tip of the iceburg with the memes and the funny tiktoks. I am staying here till my days are over, cause the lore of the official MCYT series with the seperate streams and whatsoever... I can't keep up with it.

I can't even fathom. My mind is just too small. I get it, I don't have a braincell but I don't have einstiens mind either WTF do you want me to say?


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