Chapter two (Rewritting!)

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Me and Ross left our room and entered the cafeateria, where 20 people were eating. Me and Ross found a sit and waitied.

"Hello, you guys are Jess and Ross right?" a man said

"Yes, we are" I said

The man pulled us up "New guys Jess and Ross!!!!"

Everyone yelled and clapped. I started to smile. Real people who already loves us. I looked at the crowd and saw a familier face. I didn't see because people were standing up. Then, two people came with two plates an set them down at our table. The man let us go and walked away, padding my on the back. We sat down and looked at each other.

"Wow!" Ross said

"Yep" I said loking at our plates. Hambuggers, fires and a salad.

"This looks good" he said grabbin his hambugger

"Yep" I said doing the same.

We toke a moment in slience and ate.

"This tastes like real food" I said

"Thats because it is"

I turned and saw Dave standing their.

"I'm glad you made it" he said staring at me

Ross looked mad and looked like he was trying to control it.

"You look nice" he said coming closer

"Stop" I said and got up "We came here for a home, don't screw it up for us"

"You and....You?" he said looking at Ross "Hes like 10"

"Shut up," I said "Your gonna talk like that to us as a welcomed gift?"

"Right," he said "Welcome"

"Thank you. Now leave" I said

Dave slowly walked away "See you around"

I looked back at Ross how clamed down. I sat back down and grabbed his hands.

"Do let him make it worse" I said "Forget him"

"How can I?" he asked "Were living a life for him. No matter what we did, he always comes back. Are you tired of this?"

I sighed

"Can we leave?" he said

"Sure" I said as we got up and left the cafeteria.


It was eight and the doors closed for the night, I sat on the bed while Ross layed down.

"Where are we?"

"Are you okay?" he asked

"No, I mean, are we in he air or on the ground?"



"I guess. Looks like the plane on the mavel movie" he said

"What is this place called?"

"Lots of people said tht they call it H.O.M.E. Hold on Miss Emma. The person who made this place was named Emma, and she fell off and died. The last words they said was 'Hold on miss Emma'."

"How sad" I said

"She made this place for us." he said sitting up "You still have the calender?"

"Yeah" I said pulling it out of my bag "Do we really need it?"

"Of course," Ross said "We need to know how many days for our birthdays and other stuff."

"Birthdays is something that I don't care about" I said "And what other stuff are you talking about?"

"You know," he said "If we have a kid or something"

"Oh Ross" I said

"Will, can I have the calender?"

"Yeah" I said giving it to him. "Maybe"

"Maybe what?" he asked looking at the calender

"Nothing" I said laying down

Ross layed down beside me and wrapped his arms around me. "Your beauitful when you sleep"

I put my hand on my forehead and smiled "How did this come up?"

"I don't know" he said "But its true"

"Ross, your on some really bad drugs"

"I know" he said and I laughed "You will be on them someday"

"Sure" I said and closed my eyes

"Yeah, in this world, anything can happen" he said

"I know" I said "Maybe"

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