Chapter 5

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I walked down to the cafeteria with Johnny.

"He comes by when me and Ross are eating" i said stopping

"So you want me to sit with you guys and see if he comes?" he asked

"When he comes" I said "He always does"

We walk to our table and sat down. Ross looked at me Johnny

"Did something happen?" Ross asked

"Jess said that someone has been brothering her," Johnny said "Do you know who it is?"

"I told you that his name is Dave" I said looking at Johnny

"Do you know anything about Dave?" Johnny asked

Ross shallowed "I don't"

"But you were their when he comes!" I said

"I don't remember anything" Ross said putting his fork down

I sighed "Just wait, he'll will come"

"When?" Johnny asked

"After were done eating, he always done" I said

We got our food and sat back at our table. We finished our food an waited. Johnny didn't like this. He had lots of work to do. Making sure everyone was safe and everything was working okay was very important to him. Very. Dave didn't come which made Johnny very mad.

"Thank you" he said getting up

"I swear that Dave is real!" I yelled getting up as well "Ill find him and bring him to you!"

"Jess, calm down" Ross said "It was be okay"

"No!" I yelled.

I ran out of the cafeteria and ran to our room. I then walked out and looked at the end of the hall. I saw something again. I walked to the end but got pulled back.

"There nothing their" Dave said turing me around

"I waited for you!" I yelled

"Me?" he asked letting go of me

"Yes! You need to leave me alone!" I yelled

"Babe!" Ross yelled coming after me

I turned around

"Theres no one their" Ross said stopping at looking at the end of the hallway.

"Dave....He was just their!" I yelled

"Calm down" Ross said "Johnny found something"


Johnny pulled out a folder and opened it up, moving papers and documnets around.

"Dave E. Robert. Seventeen years old. Killed himself in his room(Room 132) When rope. Hie hanged himself and left a note on his bed." Johnny said giving me a paper. We were in his office. Me and Ross were sitting on one side and Johnny was sitting on the other .

Dear who ever reads this, if a girl named Jess comes, tell her that I love her and when I left her that it was the biggest mistake in my whole life of living with the dead and living. I didn't want to live without her. Tell her that she needs to be happy and to live a wonderful life with Ross............A little bit of his blood were on the paper next to Ross' name.

"This doesn't make sence, I've  seen him" I said looking at Johnny

"Thats because the room that you guys are living in is the room that he died in" Johnny said

"Can we move rooms?" Ross asked "For our safety"

"No more rooms are opened" Johnny said "Sorry, that I didn't beileve you"

I looked down "Is their anything we can do?"

"I'm afraid not" Johnny said getting up and putting the folder away.

I sighed "So we have to deal with it?"


"I'll be their next to you all the time, if you want" Ross said

We were back in our room when the doors closed. I was laying on the bed while Ross changed

"That will be to much for you" I said

Ross layed down next to me "If thats you want, I'll do it"

I sighed. "Are you sure?"

"I'll be happy to" he said and kissed my forehead

I gave a little smile

"You want some tea?" Ross asked

"Sure" I said as he got up

He poured water into a cup and put the teabag in the cup. He put it in the micorwave and put in the numbers. The micorwave made a werid sound.

"Well........." Ross said looking at the micorwave

"What?" I asked

"Its broken" he said

"Its okay, I'll tell Johnny to fix it tomorrow" I said

"I'll go to the careferia and use the micorwave in their" he said

"No, its fine" I said

He came and leaned on the bed "Its okay, it will take just a minute. I'll be back in no time. Nothing will go wrong" he said

"Fine" I said giving a small smile.

He kissed me on the forehead again and walked out with the cup. I layed their and thought for a while. Is his grost still in here? What if he really didn't die? What if he faked it? I closed my eyes. I heard this sound like someone was screaming. I opened my eyes and saw nothing. I couldn't keep my eyes open. I fell asleep.


I heard the sound of an arlam going off. I heard all the doors open. I heard people running up and down the hallway. I heard people crying and screaming. I heard bodies go to the ground. I heard Ross call my name. I heard Johnny say that he souldn't come for me and that its to late to save me. Was it a dream? Or was it real?

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