Part 4

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I woke up to Hange's face not even inches apart from mine. I yelped and jumped out of bed.

"Jesus Hange!" I yelled at her, "You shouldn't do that, you'll give me a heart attack!" I breathed heavily regaining my composure.

"Sorry about that y/n." She had a huge shit-eating grin on her face as she rubbed the back of her neck with her hand. "It's your first day helping me out, so come on and get into some clothes. I want to study the new pieces of info I have!" I sighed, hell would freeze over before you could pull this woman away from her research.

I had just finished getting ready when a very hurried knock was heard from my door. I opened it to see Hange literally jumping up and down. This grown-ass woman was jumping up and down like a small child.

"Are you ready yet?! I've been waiting foreverrrrr!!" Hange yelled.

"Yes, yes, I'm ready. What's got you so excited this morning then?" I asked curious about why she was jumping around.

"So, you wont believe this but on a walk last night I saw a titan out in the woods just beyond the walls. It was climbing! It learnt how to climb the trees!" Her eyes were glowing, honestly I found it pretty cute.

"Wait, so you saying they can learn things?" This shocked me. These creature can learn!

"That's what I'm trying to figure out. If they can then why haven't they learnt anything before?" It felt great we were finally getting some answers about these creatures we know nothing about!

We started walking towards her office.

"Wait. What were you doing on top of the walls at night?" I looked at her while waiting for an answer.

"Well um, you see... I was.. um..." She turned away and played with the sleeves of her jacket.

"I don't remember much of last night." Her voice was so quite I barely heard her.

"What do you mean you don't remember?" I felt like I knew the answer already but I needed to be sure.

"Oh look! We're here!" Hange changed the subject quickly and opened the door. She froze. I peered over her shoulder to see why and then I saw it.

There was 3 empty shot glasses, a half drunk bottles of vodka and around 5 bottles of beer lying on the floor. I sighed and stepped past the still frozen Hange.

"I'll clear up." I said smiling to her.

"Y/n I can explain I-" I cut her off.

"It's ok, we can talk later. That's if you want to we don't have to." I subconsciously touched my chest pocket in my jacket. After all that's where I keep my cigarettes.

I finished cleaning up the room a little. It was still a mess, but it was better. We started to talk a little about titans and their ability to learn. Hange was taking notes on mine and her theories.

"So, y/n you said earlier that we could talk. Can we still do that?" Hange looked up from her notebook with eyes filled with worry and sadness.

"Definitely, but you'll have to give me 5." I said.

"Oh, okay." Her face seemed a little more relaxed.

I got up from the couch that I was sat on and headed out of the building into what had already become the cold night. I pulled the cigarette box from my chest pocket and my lighter from my back pocket. I then proceeded to take one from the box and light it. I took a drag and then heard footsteps behind me.

"I didn't know you smoked." I turned to see who said it.


620 words

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