Part 9

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"Name and business" He called from the other side of the door.

"Y/n L/n, you asked me to come and see you after food Sir."

"Come in." He called. When I opened the door I was greeted with him motioning to one of the chairs in front of his desk.

"Lots of paperwork to do Captain?" I joked seeing the stack of paper sitting on his desk.

"No actually I've just finished it." I gave him a shocked look. I saw one of the new cadets on the commanders squad delivering that stack to him yesterday. Levi must have stayed up all night if he got that much done since then.

Lighting a cigarette he spoke, "I wanted to talk with you about how Hange is doing." 

"Well on our first day of working together she broke down to me about why she drinks as much as she does. I think that counts as progress, talking about the problem." I said getting myself comfortable in the chair. It was really cold in his office and my jacket was still in Hange's office.

I had to admit spending time with just the Captain felt nice. He always seemed to show more emotion when it was just the two of us. It did feel almost forbidden though. I'm not quite sure what it was.

"That's good then. If you consider it progress I believe in your judgement." He gave me a small smile to which I gave him a big grin back. It was always weird seeing him smile when it was just the two of  us. I liked it though.

"So Captain is that all?" I asked pretty much shivering at this point.

"You can call me Levi when we're alone y/n." Levi said getting up placing his jacket over my shoulders before sitting in the desk just in front of me. I welcomed the warmth his jacket gave me. It was oversized on me and smelt like lemon and tea.

"And not quite. I'm doing a run into town tomorrow to get a few supplies and I was wondering if you wanted to come with me."

"Sure." I said with a smile.

He flicked the ash off the end of his cigarette into the ash tray that lay on his desk. I had always thought of him as an attractive guy but in this moment he just looked so god damn good.

"So then Levi... Why did you stop by my room last night?" I asked. It had been bugging me all day.

"I came by to see you. I couldn't sleep and saw your lantern still lit so I thought you were awake as well."

"Ah fair enough then..." It suddenly felt a bit awkward between us after I brought up last night.

"You know, you look really good taking your clothes off." Levi smirked which caused me to blush. He put it cigarette out on the ashtray and lent in a little.

"Thankyou" I said a playful smirk crossing my face as I looked up at him. He was just joking to dampen the awkward atmosphere right? So it wouldn't hurt to play along with it. His face moved closer to mine.

"Oh there you are y/n" Hange said from behind us. How long had she been there?

"Hi Hange, I best be off then Le- Captain." I said standing up from my chair.

I walked past hange, as she was glaring daggers at Levi, I gave her a small smile and walked out of Levi's office. 

Oh god what if she heard what he said? Fuck... Out of context that sounds like we fucked or something. I hung my head down in embarrassment as I sped through the corridors towards my quarters. 

There's no way I'm going to be able to sleep after that.


636 words

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