Part 15

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Hange, who had been observing the training exercise, ran up to me just as I was about to walk into the HQ.

"Hey, are you feeling alright? You were really reckless out there today. That's not normally like you." She said concern lacing her voice.

"Yeah I'm fine. I'm sorry I didn't mean to worry you." I gave her a small smile and continued on my way to the mess hall.

"Hey y/n!" Petra said catching up with me. "What happened today? You were really out of it this morning and you really weren't yourself in training either."

"Yeah sorry about that, I guess I just have a lot on my mind at the moment." I sighed as we both sat down with our food.

"Anything you want to talk about?" She said with a sweet caring smile crossing over her features.

"Not really." I took a mouthful of the soup.

"Have we got a new chef?" I asked spitting the food back out.

"Yeah we do. Only for tonight though." Petra giggled.

"It tastes like ass." I said glaring at the dish in front of me. This only made Petra laugh more.

"I think I'll skip out on dinner tonight. You think that Sasha cadet might want some extra?" I said motioning towards the brunet who was eating really fast.

"She does look hungry." We both laughed a little at her comment.

I got up and walked towards the new recruits table.

"Hey Sasha was it?" I said with a smile.

"Yeah that's me" Her voice was muffled from the piece of bread stuffed in her mouth.

"Do you want some extra?" I said extending to bowl towards her.

"Yes!" She grabbed the bowl and shovelled it all in her mouth.

"Thankyou!" She said between bites. I could only giggle at her anticts.

"So y/n." Hange started. I had sat back at our table and Hange had decided she wanted to sit with us.

"Yes Hange?" I said turning my head towards her.

"Would you mind stopping by my office after dinner I want to test something out and I'm going to need you there." She said with the trace of a smirk crossing her features.

"Sure" And with that she got up and left, probably to set up what ever experiment it was that she needed my help for.

"You know y/n Hange always seems different when she's around you." Petra said.

"Really? I thought she was always like this." I said confused.

"She just seems more calm. I can't put my finger on what it is."

"Maybe she likes you." Levi had butted into our conversation now. He had sat next to me while I wasn't paying attention.

"Captain" I said giving him a salute. It felt so weird to do that after everything.

"Oh My God! Captain maybe you're right!" Petra had a huge grin plastered over her face.

"Well yeah, I sure hope she does."

"No not like that y/n. Maybe she likes you more than a friend." Levi said taking a sip of his tea. Memories of the previous night flashed through my head. All the things she said. No, Levi can't be right.

"No, I don't think so." I said laughing as if it was a joke. "I've got to go. Hange wants my help with an experiment." I said getting up and walking off towards Hange's office.

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