|Chapter 5| New Friends

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I woke up somewhere new. It was dark in here and I couldn't see anything at all. By the looks of it, I'm in a tight small place. I felt something warm against my back and chest. Was someone holding me? Why? Who? Once my eyes adjusted to the darkness around me I saw Ivy. A sense of relief filled me with seeing her familiar face.

"Ivy?..." I felt sick and tired. It's a surprise to me that I'm even awake. She looks down at me surprised and relieved.

"Sabre. You're awake." She was whispering and trying to stay quiet. Why though? My memory feels a little blurry. "It's going to be okay. This Guard is going to get us out of here once it's night." She explains to me.

"Ivy why- where are we?" I wanted to ask why she was holding me, but that might make her uncomfortable. Asking where we are might be more important.

"A hole in a wall that's down in the prison. You got knocked unconscious and I found you tied up in a chair after being interrogated by Victor." Oh right. I forgot, but I don't remember passing out. I just remember getting mad at Victor...

"Why is a guard helping us?..." I continued to ask more questions. This sick feeling from before that was only lingering started to grow again. The more awake and aware I became the more sick I felt.

"It's Timmy's Father. The boy you saved." She reminded me. I never met him, but Timmy did tell me a little about his dad.

"That's... that's good-" I started coughing and I used my hand to cover my mouth. I was able to see my health bar to see it green. Poison. He poisoned me. I knew that already, but seeing it on my health bar felt more real.

"Victor Poisoned you... the effects haven't run out yet..." I looked at the potion effects to see that this doesn't have a time limit. It's infinite. Just like someone would do in creative mode.

My health wasn't at half a heart like a normal poison potion. Right now I have five hearts. Half of my health was gone. Even though my hunger bar is up I'm not healing. This is probably part of a mod I added... the many random mods I added.

"It doesn't look like it, Ivy..." Ivy seemed more worried now. "Also why are you holding me?" I decided to go back to that question now that my other ones are used up. She didn't seem embarrassed by my question.

"This room is only big enough for one person to lie down. You were also a little cold so I thought it would be better if I held you to warm you up." She explains. I could feel her hold me closer. Her arms wrapped around my chest.

"Oh... thanks..." I smile a little at her and she smiles back. "I'll be okay. Don't worry." I say trying to convince her. It didn't seem to work through. I can see the worry in her eyes.

I heard something like metal moving against the ground. We both turned our heads to the sound and saw the metal thing was a large sheet of metal used as a door to where we were. A guard with gold and blue armor.

"Ivy we need to move- oh good you're awake." I slowly get up, but it takes some effect and I try not to accidentally step on Ivy. I wasn't very coordinated and Ivy quickly got up and supported me. This must be Timmy's dad.

"The poison hasn't worn off?" He asked me.

"No, it hasn't..." I say quietly. Ivy helped me get out of the small hole we were in.

"Thank you for saving my Wife and Son." He thanked me as he helped us out.

"It's nothing..." I just so happen to be there at the right time... and who wouldn't help someone in need?

"Victor told us that you two were monsters, but it looks like I was wrong." I smile.

"He is the monster. Not us." The Guard nods asking us to follow him and we do. I didn't realize how weak I was until I started walking. My feet struggled to move on command. Most of my weight was on Ivy who supported me with each step I took.

"Once we get to my home I'll give you the cure that you'll need alright?" The Guard says. He stayed ahead of us keeping an eye on the road ahead.

"Alright..." I just try to focus on walking. Making sure each step I took didn't lead to me falling over.

"What's your name by the way?" Ivy asked as we soon got to an old staircase. It seemed to be leading up.

"Alexander. Come on once we get up the stairs we can get to my house safely." Ivy looks at me and I nod. We don't have much of a choice other than to follow him. We both make it up the stairs. I was mostly out of breath by then. I looked at my health to see I was at four hearts now.

"Alexander can we wait for a second," Ivy says. I was a little confused. She helps me sit down and then hugs me.

"Ivy? What's wrong?..." I asked confused.

"You need a break I can tell." I sigh a little.

"Ivy we need to go." I rushed her, there was no time for breaks, even if I would prefer to have one.

"He's right Ivy. We need to hurry." Ivy sighed and nodded. She helped me back up and I tried standing on my own, but I couldn't stand up straight so I crouched as my Minecraft character would.

"Let's go." Alexander opened a door and it was an escape exit outside. I start walking but stumble. Ivy catches me.

"You can't walk. Let me help you okay? You promised." We made a promise at the beginning of this trip. I would tell her if anything felt wrong with me. She just wants me safe. She wants to help me.

"I know..."  Ivy smiles a little and we follow Alexander. He leads us to the same house I went to when I took Timmy home.

Alexander opens the door for us and Ivy helps me inside. Since it was the night it didn't look like anyone was awake. Alexander quickly closes the door and goes to a different room. Ivy makes me lie down on the couch.

I glanced at my health again to see it was now at three hearts. I sighed and looked at Ivy who was holding my hand. This honestly looks like we are a couple or something. I tried not to laugh at that. At least it took my mind off the pain.

Alexander came back with a bottle filled with milk. That makes sense... potion effects can wear off if you drink milk. Minecraft logic.

"Is that the cure?..."

"Yes drink it. I suggest you hurry though." He gives me the milk and I drink it. It was weird to drink something rather than water. The last time I had milk was when I was in real life. Not in Minecraft. It tasted exactly like the milk in my world too. I suddenly felt the sick feeling in my go away. I looked at my health to see it was going up and it wasn't green anymore.

"It worked," I said. Ivy seemed relieved.

"Thank you for everything Alexander," Ivy says to me. I was going to as well, but Alexander spoke before me.

"I should be thanking you. My son would still be in that cave and my wife would still be sick." He smiles at both of us and our enlightened mood.

"It's what anyone would do." I hope so at least.

"Not everyone." He says. I guess he was talking about Victor.

"You and Ivy should get some rest. We can talk more in the morning. You need the rest, Sabre." Ivy nods a little. "Well, goodnight." He goes upstairs.

"Ivy, where will  you sleep?" I ask wanting to make sure she sleeps well.

"I'll figure it out. For now, you need to fall asleep." She says. I sigh and lay my head down. Ivy gets up and looks around while I fall asleep. The exhaustion from fighting the poison made sleep come easily to me.

(Words 1409) Here you go! Also this is probably a good time to ask about the Sabre x Ivy ship. It's only if you want it though.

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