|Chapter 12| A Break

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Sabre's point of view
I woke up with my head throbbing. I think I had a dream, but it was all a blur in my mind. The sun was shining in my eyes making me want to keep them closed.

The sun felt warm though. I could feel it's heat against my head and neck. I couldn't slightly feel it under the blanket I was under. Wait- I didn't fall asleep with a blanket on me? I could feel it's fabric over my skin with a light weight pressing down on my chest.

I also had a pillow under my head. Did Ivy do this for me? Most likely. She is the only one here. I slowly sat up feeling my hand on the grass. I used my free hand to cover my eyes from the sun and open them.

I was still in the meadow with the volcano in the distance. There wasn't a cloud in the sky. The breeze was soft and gentle. It really is a great day.

Once my eyes adjust to the light I move my hand away from my face. I couldn't see Ivy anywhere. Where could she have gone?

I stand up my legs feeling sore from how much walking I did in that cave. My arms were too from carrying Ivy. I should find her to make sure she is alright.

I pick up the pillow and blanket folding them together and putting them in my inventory. I could feel the weight on me, but it wasn't that bad.

I walk around the meadow near the cave to see if Ivy was nearby and was just out of my line of sight. So far I don't see her. I could see a river nearby. Maybe she left to get some water to drink.

I walk to the river and see it goes straight towards the volcano. The river was fast moving and the water was going to the volcano as well. I could see a few fish in the water as well as rocks and some underwater plants.

I look left and right and see Ivy further Right which was north. It looked like she was fishing. I walk over to her just as she caught a fish with her bait.

"Good catch Ivy." I tell her. She jumps and almost loses the fish she had. I laugh a little.

"I thought you would still be asleep!" She said surprised. I look up at the sky to see it wasn't noon yet. We probably had a few more hours until noon.

"Huh, I guess I'm not as tired as I thought..." I muttered. I still felt exhausted, maybe it's from the sun waking me up or something. I looked at  Ivy and saw her hair was damp still and her clothes were dry, but clean.

"Did you clean yourself in the river?" I asked her.

"Yeah, all the rain and dirt from the cave bothered me a little so I just washed myself off in the river. You should do the same Sabre." I look at myself to see how filthy I was. When was the last time I took a bath? Oh right... The day I disappeared from my world...

"You're right. I'll wash off father downstream. I can help you fish if you want."

"No it's alright. You should rest."

"Ivy I'm fine really." I tell her. She needs to relax.

"You only slept for a about four hours."

"I know I know. I probably won't be able to sleep until later in the day."

"Then let's take a break today. We are ahead schedule." I was a little surprised by that, but it does make some sense. Since we are ahead of schedule and after the rough experience from last night... it would be nice...

"I guess your right, how is your head by the way?" I asked remembering the long fall she had last night.

"It hurts a little..." She mumbled hoping I wouldn't ask about that. I go over to her.

"Let me check okay?" She nods as I lift her hair to see if anything was wrong. Her neck and the back of her head was slightly bruised. Thankfully it didn't look too bad.

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